Relația dintre procesarea fonologică și fluența în citire la elevii din ciclul primar

Relația dintre procesarea fonologică și fluența în citire la elevii din ciclul primar

The relation between phonological processing and reading fluency în primary school level children

Mihaela TÎMPA

This paper aims to investigate the relationship between phonological processing and fluency in reading, in primary school students, on the following sub-dimensions: words, pseudowords and text. This study evaluates children from the fourth grade, because important progresses în reading accuracy and speed have been registered in these grades (Vaessen& Blomert, 2010) or between the age levels of 8 and 10 year olds (Van den Bos et al., 2002).

Keywords: phonological processing, fluency, reading, students

Published on line: 03/31/2023

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