Tulburarea din spectrul autist. Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Tulburarea din spectrul autist. Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Autism spectrum disorder. A psycholinguistic approach


Psycholinguistic is definited as the study of the language of the mind. People with ASD have language disorders. In order to disguise their problems, these people use pre-prepared and learned phrases. Another language-related problem is the presence of echolalia, but the presence of echolalia does not influence the average length the sentence, just as the use of conjunctions or prepositions, or abstract words, does not influence the average length. What does influence the average lenght of the utterance is the number of new words used.

Keywords: psycholinguistics, autism spectrum disorder, language disorders, echolalia, mean legth of utterance
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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