Octombrie 2021, Vol.VII, Nr. 2
Current issue
Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare
Noi instrumente de lucru pentru logopezi prin care se abodează achiziția limbajului
New Tools for Romanian SLPs to use with Language Learning Children
Keywords: hearing loss, collaboration, functional measures
Comunicarea didactică în mediul online
Didactic Communication in Online Learning
Ioana ROMAN, Mirela FĂRĂGĂU, Sorina DÂRJAN
Keywords: blended learning, comunicare eficientă, comunicare non-verbală, e-learning
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.03
Logopedia-considerații praxiologice: interogații, bune practice și intervenție bazată pe dovezi științifice
SLT- practical aspects: inquiries, good practices and evidence based interventions
Ovidiu Cristian TUDOREAN
OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to describe some aspects of Romanian speech therapy practice and to draw attention to some discrepancies in the reporting of language and communication disorders. Some suggestions on concrete ways of intervention and evidence-based speech therapy are also offered.
METHODS: (1) The statistical data reported by the Iași Inter-School Speech Therapy Center between 2011 and 2020 were analyzed. The data are compared with those available internationally. (2) Two children groups were considered: one diagnosed with developmental language disorder (DLD) (n = 67) and another diagnosed with language delay (LD) (n = 57), aged between 3 and 12 years (M = 5 years 8 months). Tests were used to establish the psychological language age, active and passive vocabulary, record the phonetic inventory and language samples analysis (LSA) for qualitative observations.
RESULTS: (1) Statistical data reveal a concordance of reports for speech sound disorders. There are major discrepancies for the other language and communication disorders. Causal explanations and potential directions for remedying this situation are proposed.
(2) A statistical analysis (Student’s t test) was conducted in order to compare the children in LD and DLD groups. The data obtained from this analysis along with LSA indicate that the language skills differ between the two groups on the following aspects: lexical, pragmatic, semantic, syntactic, morphological and phonological. Significant differences (p<0.05) occur for onset speech therapy age, phonological disorder, passive vocabulary and language psychological age. Results for active vocabulary did not indicate statistical difference between LD and DLD children. CONCLUSIONS: Explorations reveal a situation with potential negative consequences on children with language and communication disorders. It is desirable to ensure a consensus among practitioners, from the identification phase to the construction of the remediation plan. The use of guidelines for language development and communication skills can contribute to a unitary and effective practice. The study is a prospective one, this issue being subject for further exhaustive approaches.
Keywords: Romanian speech therapy, language disorders prevalence, language tests, evidence-based practice, guides for developing language and communication skills.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.04
Rolul activ al părintelui în procesul de recuperare a copiilor cu TSA
The active role of the parent in children`s with ASD rehabilitation process
Ioana Mădălina ORIAN, Andreea Garofița BACIU
Keywords: telepractice, autism spectrum disorder, social-pragmatic communication disorders, early intervention, parents` training
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.05
Evaluarea logopedică la început de an școlar. Model de fișă de evaluare logopedică și aplicații
Speech and language assessment in the school year beginning. Example of Speech and Language Assessment Scale and practical aspects
Șoimița GHERLE, Daciana PANȚIRU
Keywords: speech and language disorders, initial evaluation, speech and language assessment scale, diagnosis, specific SLT intervention
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.06
Dominanţa emisferică cerebrală şi lateralitatea metode şi procedee de examinare
Cerebral Hemispheric Dominance and Lateralization. Examination methods and procedures
Vasile Radu PREDA
Keywords: cerebral hemispheric dominance, functional asymmetry, cortical level, peripheral level, lateralization, laterality index
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.07
Dezvoltarea limbajului expresiv în contextual TSA – Studiu de caz
Expressive language development in ASD context- Case Study
Valentina-Georgica POPONETE
Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), language development, intervention, expressive language disorder
Povestea – Instrument de stimulare cognitivă pentru copiii cu intelect de limită integrați în școala de masă
The story as a tool for cognitive stimulation for children with mild intellectual disabilities integrated in mainstream school
Aura-Liliana BRÎNZILĂ
Keywords: learning disabilities, early intervention, reading and writing
Schimbarea atitudinii cadrelor didactice față de elevii cu cerințe educative speciale din școlile incluzive
Changing teachers’ attitudes towards children with special needs attending inclusive schools
Nicoleta Raluca LUPU
The attitude of the teachers who participated in the change of attitude training through game changed positively, compared to the attitude of the teachers who did not participate. The non-parametric test Mann-Whitney for independent samples shows that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in all three dimensions of attitude (p <.01) In addition, the T Wilcoxon test shows the differences between the pre-test stage and the post-test phase within each group. It is noted that for the control group, there are no statistically significant differences between the two stages, whereas in the case of the experimental group there are statistically significant differences from one stage to another (.00, p <.01). The degree of acceptance of the students with special educational needs will increase significantly in the teachers who will participate in the computer game training, compared to the teachers who will participate in the classic game training. The results of the „Mann-Whitney U Test” show that there are no significant differences between the experimental groups (p> .05), which indicates that both programs can effectively contribute to changing the teachers’ attitudes towards integrating disabled students
Cum pot jocurile online să fie folosite în sesiunile de terapie a tulburărilor de limbaj la copii? – Studiu de caz: aplicația mobilă OctoPlay
How the online games can be used during SLT sessions?/Case study – Octoplay App
The OctoPlay application combines the speech therapists` approach with technology and meets the needs of children, therapists and parents through the structure of customizable exercises, collaborative environment and other tools included in the application (video model and mirror technique, virtual reality version, automatic progress reports and the possibility to customize the exercises according to the child’s needs). Practical aspects about how Octoplay App can be used are discussed and information about how it can be accessed are detailed
Keywords: speech therapy, personalized programs, collaborative environment, virtual reality, mirror technique, game, OctoPlay application