2023-RRTTLC- Martie, Vol IX, Nr.1

Martie 2023, Vol.IX, Nr. 1

Current issue

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2023.9.1




Published on line: 03/31/2023

Terapia logopedică în mediul online: specific și implicații

Online speech and language therapy:specific features and implications

Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

This paper aims to provide some directions for approaching speech therapy in the online environment. The first part of the paper defines the key concepts used in the field of online speech therapy. Some relevant international research in the field of online speech and language therapy and some factors influencing online therapy are presented. The stages of organising an online therapy session are described with challenges and opportunities that arise during the session, as well as directions for monitoring and evaluation, through the concepts of communicative effectiveness and self-efficacy. The conclusions offer new directions for online therapy approach to the speech and language therapists.

Keywords: online speech and language therapy, educational platforms, online speech and language therapy organization, communication effectiveness, communication self-effectiveness

Published on line: 03/31/2023

Reeducarea tulburărilor specifice de articulare a vorbirii determinate de dezechilibru muscular orofacial cu ajutorul terapiei logopedice miofuncționale

Reeducation of specific speech articulation disorders caused by orofacial muscle imbalance with the help of myofunctional speech therapy

Lăcrămioara BUZZO

Phonetic disorders are errors of articulation and resonance of phonemes, which, in the presence or absence of organic changes in the phonoarticulatory organs, persist beyond the acquisition of perceptual and articulatory skills.
For the correct production of each vowel/consonant, the structures of the articulatory apparatus come into contact in a variable way, following finely coordinated movements, and adopt a certain position to allow the correct emission of the sound.
Orofacial muscle imbalances and disorders are disorders of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth. These can directly and/or indirectly affect breastfeeding, growth and development of the facial skeleton, mastication, swallowing, resting position of the tongue, speech- phonemic articulation, occlusion, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) movements, oral hygiene, stability of orthodontic treatment, facial aesthetics and others.
The correct swallowing mechanism depends on the correct relationship between the muscles of the face, mouth and pharyngo-laryngeal region, but also on a balance of the entire body system.
Another important element that must be taken into account, in particular, is the resting position of the tongue. Dysfunctional swallowing – refers to a condition in which there is an alteration of the mouth-lingual movements in the act of swallowing.
Balancing the oro-facial musculature through education – re-education of deviant swallowing, breathing and mastication difficulties, phonatory verbal articulation alterations, malocclusion and painful symptoms of the temporomandibular joint, in different age groups is done through TMF (Myofunctional Therapy).
Myofunctional therapy can lead to stable correction of swallowing abnormalities, with positive effects for correcting speech articulation disorders.
Keywords: specific speech articulation disorders, orofacial muscle imbalance, myofunctional speech therapy
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2023.9.1.03
Published on line: 03/31/2023

Procesul de depistare al elevilor cu tulburări de limbaj în Carolina de Sud

The identification process of students with speech-language impairment in South Carolina

Ștefania FILIP

This presentation focuses on the process for the initial evaluation of students with speech-language impairment.
An initial evaluation involves the use of a variety of assessment tools and strategies to gather relevant functional, developmental, and academic information to assist in determining if the child is eligible for special education services.
There is a three-pronged question for eligibility: (1) whether the student is a child with a disability and by reason thereof, (2) has an educational impact and (3) requires direct services. Evaluations must also determine the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance.
This shifts the focus of the initial evaluation from the determination of eligibility for services to the determination of what the child needs to enable him/her to learn effectively and to participate and progress in the general education curriculum.
Keywords: eligibility, disability, educational impact, direct services.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2023.9.1.04
Published on line: 03/31/2023

Relația dintre procesarea fonologică și fluența în citire la elevii din ciclul primar

The relation between phonological processing and reading fluency în primary school level children

Mihaela TÎMPA

This paper aims to investigate the relationship between phonological processing and fluency in reading, in primary school students, on the following sub-dimensions: words, pseudowords and text. This study evaluates children from the fourth grade, because important progresses în reading accuracy and speed have been registered in these grades (Vaessen& Blomert, 2010) or between the age levels of 8 and 10 year olds (Van den Bos et al., 2002).

Keywords: phonological processing, fluency, reading, students
Published on line: 03/31/2023

O perspectivă logopedică asupra tranziției către școlaritate a copilului cu implant cohlear

A speech and language therapy approach on the transition towards school level in children with cochlear implantat

Ovidiu Cristian TUDOREAN, Alois GHERGHUȚ

Cochlear implant (CI) is a medical procedure originally developed in the United States. In Romania, it is part of the national programme for the treatment of deafness with implantable hearing aids managed by the National Health Insurance House. Successful implantation transforms the child with hearing loss into a hearing but not a speaking child. Only with systematic support and guidance will the child become a speaker. It is risky to assume that the development of the child with CI follows the same milestones and has to overcome the same challenges as the typical child. In fact, successful integration into mainstream school must be considered a separate objective, which will be prepared and actively pursued during the child’s pre-school years by the child’s educational partners (family – teachers – speech therapist). Spontaneous development is not guaranteed; moreover, there is a risk of losing the child’s development potential. This is why the preparation of the family, the child with CI, the teachers and even the school as a physical environment is essential for a successful start at school. This paper aims to provide a brief contextualisation of cochlear implantation and also answers some pressing questions for an optimal transition to schooling. It considers building and strengthening the self-image of the child with CI, developing personal autonomy, training and developing conversational skills, investigating options related to school choice, getting to know the school and future teachers, forming and developing the prerequisites for schooling, pragmatic suggestions for involving the family in school activities, but also for involving teachers in the school integration of the child with CI

Keywords:cochlear implant; family-centred practice; transition from preschool to school

Published on line: 03/31/2023

Limba semnelor: de la elementele de taxonomie la aspecte practice ale limbii semnelor române

Sign language-from taxonomic elements to practical aspects regarding Romanian sign language


The present paper concerns fundamental aspect of Sign Language, from historical elements at international and national levels to taxonomical elements for a better understanding of pragmatic elements of Sign language. The taxonomy of Sign Language is a difficult task since the analysis isolates the processes which, in fact, may intervene to create a sign. In the application part we will focus on a proposal of Romanian Sign Language taxonomy and in the final part there are examples in the context of the five descriptive parameters: the handshapes, the position of the hand in relation to the body, the orientation of the palm, the movement and the non-manual signs as aspects correlated with facial expressions.

Keywords:sign language, taxonomy, handshape, fundamental parameter, iconicity

Published on line: 03/31/2023

Influența protocolului de intervenție chirurgicală ales în cazul despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine asupra procesului de intervenție logopedică

The influence of the surgical intervention protocol chosen in the case of facio-labio-palatine clefts on the speech therapy intervention process


Labio-maxillo-palatine clefts is the most common congenital anomaly among congenital malformations of the face. The approach to clefts is done within a multidisciplinary team, in a management that starts from the pre-natal or immediately post-natal period until the adult life of the patient. The surgical protocol chosen for lip and palate reconstruction is a significant step for the upcoming speech process. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the importance of the surgical intervention protocol in the case of clefts, taking into account the speech difficulties that may occur and the therapeutic process of speech therapy intervention that can take place over a significant period of time. We highlighted this aspect through two presented case studies.

Keywords:labio-maxillo-palatine cleft, open rhinolalia, palatal fistula, speech intelligibility, speech disorder

Published on line: 03/31/2023

Relația dintre modalitățile de tratare a informațiilor şi potențialul de învățare

The relationship between information treatment modalities and learning potential

Vasile Radu PREDA

The relationship between information treatment modalities and learning potential. Neuropsychological research (Flessas and Lussier, 2001) focused on the simultaneous and sequential treatment of verbal or nonverbal information and developed the constructivist pedagogical theory and the interactive methodology for the acquisition of knowledge by pupils with learning disabilities in inclusive schools (Shimamura, 2008). Research in cognitive psychology (Kurtz, Borkowski, 1984; Nelson, Narens, 1990) explored metamemory and metacognition skills in relation to information treatment modalities and to the role of the pedagogical interactive methodology in developing the learning potential

Keywords:neuropsychological research, simultaneous treatment of information, sequential treatment of information, interactive methodology, knowledge, learning disabilities.

Published on line: 03/31/2023

SUPLIMENT RRTTLC- VOL IX, NR 1 – CARTE DE ABSTRACTE CONFERINȚA NAȚIONALĂ – LOGOPEDIA Direcții de cercetare științifică și modele de intervenție terapeutică

