2023-RRTTLC- Octombrie, Vol IX, Nr.2

Octombrie 2023, Vol.IX, Nr. 2

Current issue

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2023.9.2




Published on line: 10/30/2023

Erori de producere a cuvintelor în context afazic

Patterns and errors of word production in aphasic contexts


This article is part of the paper „Patterns and errors of word production in aphasic contexts”.
To begin with, generalities about aphasia and a cognitive neuropsychology model of spoken word production are presented, which addresses four stages involved in word retrieval: semantic system, phonological output lexicon, phonological set, and articulatory programming, and finally speech.
Also, as a theoretical aspect, the three types of word utterance errors are presented: the imaginability, frequency, and length effects. The theoretical aspects are then exemplified in a case study.
The aim of the research was to identify from a neurocognitive point of view in which domain the disorder is located, and which pattern of word production errors can be identified, in order to intervene specifically in language recovery, proposing an intervention plan.
Among the conclusions, it can be mentioned that although aphasic symptomatology is well known, the approach from the proposed perspective created specific opportunities for recovery.

Keywords: aphasia, pattern errors, aphasia intervention


Published on line: 10/30/2023

Particularități ale limbajului și comunicării în TSA

Particularities of language and communication in ASD


Autism spectrum disorders (AST) are a complex and puzzling cluster of disorders in which social isolation, communication difficulties, and the presence of peculiar and/or repetitive behaviors, in various degrees, are the main characteristics. These characteristics are interlinked and share similar brain and cognitive functioning specificity. This paper focuses on communication and language disorders, their particularities in persons with AST, and their impact on differential diagnostic and specific interventions. Efficient therapeutic strategies and techniques for persons with ASD should address these strong correlations and overlaps between the specific social behavior development and the particularities of using language and communication in an ecological paradigm.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, language and communication disorders in ASD, alternative and augmentative communication strategies, visual clues, echolalia
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2023.9.2.03
Published on line:10/30/2023

Program de intervenție logopedică pentru dezvoltarea limbajului la preșcolarii din grupa mare

Speech therapy intervention program for language development in preschoolers


TThis paper aims to identify the developmental characteristics of language in preschool children, capturing the impact of the speech therapy program on language development, and utilizing the principles of the TALK program in speech therapy intervention. The study sample consisted of 22 preschoolers, aged between 5-6 years, from a kindergarten in Cluj-Napoca. After dividing the participants into two groups, control and experimental, the evaluation was performed using three assessment tools: the Curriculum TALK, Portage (Language subscale), and the Logopedic Album. A speech therapy intervention program was implemented for the experimental group, followed by a final evaluation conducted using the same assessment tools.
After collecting the results from pre and post-tests, all data were centralized in an SPSS database for processing. Thus, by using the paired samples t-test (hypothesis 1), the independent samples t-test (hypothesis 2), and Pearson’s bivariate correlation (hypothesis 3), it was found that all research hypotheses were confirmed.

Keywords: developmental characteristics in preschool children, language development, speech therapy
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2023.9.2.04
Published on line: 10/30/2023

Aspecte psihologice ale intervențiilor școlare în cazul tulburărilor de limbaj scris și oral

Psychological aspects of school interventions in oral and written language disorders


Language disorder is one of the most common childhood problems. The results of epidemiology studies are estimating that 1 in 12 preschoolers has a language disorder. The consequences of unresolved speech and language problems are significant and lead over time to behavioral disorders, mental health problems, reading difficulties, and school failure, including truancy and school dropout. Hence, we consider imperative raising awareness of this issue in the educational environment. Several studies reported an increased prevalence of social and emotional problems among children with written or spoken language disorders. Furthermore, a large body of research has demonstrated positive effects of school interventions in developing resilience strategies among children with language disorders. Accordingly, based on the results of previously conducted research of language disorders, this article presents a brief review of frequently associated social, emotional, and behavioral problems and reviews particular aspects of school interventions, which may contribute to students’ socio-emotional resilience.

Keywords: language disorder; socio-emotional difficulties; behavioral problems; school interventions; socio-emotional resilience
Published on line: 10/30/2023

Tulburări de voce în rândul jurnaliștilor. studiu de caz: profesioniștii din radio

Voice disorders in journalists. case study: professionals from radio


This paper analyzes, on the one hand, voice disorders occurring in radio journalists and what are the leading causes and solutions, on the other hand. The paper contains both qualitative research methods and instruments, such as case study and interviews with all the actors involved in this process: vocal professionals-radio journalists, vocal specialists-physicians, speech therapists, and speech pathologists. Based on these methods and tools, it was possible to conclude whether the lack of vocal hygiene application is related to voice disorders. Also, we shaped the causes and factors that lead to voice disorders and what are the directions for prevention and intervention in this medical issue.

Keywords: voice disorder, radio journalists, vocal professionals, vocal hygiene, speech therapy in voice disorder

Published on line: 10/30/2023

Modalități de dezvoltare a abilităților de comunicare la elevii din familii vulnerabile

Developing communicative abilities in children from vulnerable families


Within families affected by socio-economic and cultural disadvantage, proper communication situations are infrequent or likely to trigger negative emotional effects. Children growing up in such families are less involved in communicative activities with their parents and may be emotionally inhibited, thus causing mothers to complain about the youngsters’ passivity (Piff, Moskowitz, 2018). Researchers have put forward several methods for preparing parents in disadvantaged families to optimize verbal communication with their children as well as to improve parent-teacher communication. In order to manage the quality of communication in the case of families vulnerable due to socio-economic and cultural disadvantage, pre-school staff, teachers, speech therapists and school counselors should establish personalized programmes meant to develop the communicative abilities of both parents and children

Keywords: vulnerable family, communicative ability, verbal communication skills, learning techniques, formative assessment

Published on line: 10/30/2023

Abordare din perspectivă psiholigvistică a limbajului și comunicării în tulburarea de spectru autist (TSA)

A psycholinguist approach of language and communication in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


Psycholinguistics is a field that combines methods and theories from psychology and linguistics to gain a fuller understanding of human language. The connection between the human psyche and language is the focus of research in psycholinguistics. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a common and heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by language impairment, social and communicative deficits and repetitive behaviours. Echolalia is considered a predominant feature of ASD. Early intervention should be started as soon as a diagnosis is made, as social, play and language domains do not develop at the expected rate or in the expected multimodal, integrated manner. Using the language sample analysis technique, it is observed that echolalia and the number of abstract words do not influence mean utterance length, but the number of novel words correlates with mean utterance length. The psycholinguistic approach helps to gain a deeper understanding of language deficits and influences speech therapy intervention.

Keywords: psycholinguistics, autism spectrum disorder, early intervention, the average length of the utterance

Published on line: 10/30/2023

Direcții de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj la copiii preșcolari

Directions for the prevention of language disorders in preschool children

Teodora POPUȚA

This research paper aims to address the vital topic of preventing language disorders in preschool children. The primary focus is to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention program designed to enhance language and perceptual-auditory skills in this age group. Language disorders are a common concern among preschoolers, with various risk factors, including genetic predispositions, limited exposure to language-rich environments, and underlying medical conditions. Of utmost importance is early diagnosis and intervention, as these play a crucial role in facilitating a child’s language development.

Keywords: language disorders, preschool children, intervention program, language development, early intervention, developmental language disorder

Published on line: 10/30/2023

Dezvoltarea abilităților de citire cu ajutorul instrumentelor Boomwhackers în contextul dizabilității asociate

Enhancing Reading Skills with Boomwhackers Instruments in the Context of Associated Disabilities

Janka Eszter VERES

This research paper aims to address the vital topic of preventing language disorders in preschool children. The primary focus is to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention program designed to enhance language and perceptual-auditory skills in this age group. Language disorders are a common concern among preschoolers, with various risk factors, including genetic predispositions, limited exposure to language-rich environments, and underlying medical conditions. Of utmost importance is early diagnosis and intervention, as these play a crucial role in facilitating a child’s language development.

Keywords: language disorders, preschool children, intervention program, language development, early intervention, developmental language disorder

Published on line: 10/30/2023

Inteligența artificială în terapia limbajului. Abordare preliminară

Artificial intelligence in speech and language therapy. Preliminary approach

Carolina BODEA HAȚEGAN, Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

In the first part of the article the term artificial intelligence is defined and several studies are presented that highlight the implications of using artificial intelligence in language therapy. The second part highlights three tools created with artificial intelligence (GPT Chat, Bing Chat and Google Bard), as well as some practical examples of work tasks that can be carried out using these tools to support language therapy sessions.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Google Bard, language therapy


Published on line: 10/30/2023

Rolul calității relației terapeutice și a empatiei în eficiența intervenției logopedice cu copiii

The role of the quality of therapeutic relationship and empathy in the efficacy of speech therapy with children

Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU, Bianca BORȘ, Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN

The therapeutic relationship holds an important role in the therapeutic process and has been a highly researched topic in fields such as medicine, psychotherapy, counselling or physiotherapy. More recently, the research has also focused on the therapeutic relationship in the field of speech and language therapy, presenting one of the influential factors from both a clinical and an interpersonal perspective. Considering these aspects, the present paper aims to examine the influence of the speech therapist’s empathy and the quality of the relationship with the beneficiary in relation with the efficacy in the therapeutic process. Two case studies are presented to illustrate the ability of the speech therapists to create a therapeutic relationship based on their level of empathy, that supports the children and their engagement in the rehabilitation process, an open communication, along with the therapists’ perceptions on the child’s conflict and dependency.

Keywords: therapeutic relationship, empathy, speech therapy, children, closeness, conflict, dependency.

Published on line: 10/30/2023