Published on line: 03/31/2024
Categorie: 2024, Vol X, Nr. 1
Numarul 1/2024
Probă pentru evaluarea abilităților de labiolectură în limba română a copiilor cu dizabilități de auz de vârstă școlară mica
Probă pentru evaluarea abilităților de labiolectură în limba română a copiilor cu dizabilități de auz de vârstă școlară mica
Lipreading assessment tool for Romanian hearing-impaired primary school children
Eliza-Magdalena ȘEULEANU, Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN, Andrea HATHAZI
Keywords:lipreading abilities, lipreading assessment, perception of speech, hearing-impaired, deaf
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Protocol de evaluare a disgrafiei
Protocol de evaluare a disgrafiei
Protocol for assessing dysgraphia
Daniela ROMILĂ
This research aims to investigate the psychomotor peculiarities of children with dysgraphia and to develop a protocol for the assessment of dysgraphia based on empirical evidence. For the structure of the evaluation protocol, samples such as the Nepsy battery (Korkman, Kirk, Kemp, 1998), psychomotricity assessment samples, and samples for evaluating the accuracy and speed of writing on a horizontal and vertical plane by using the Wacom Intuos Pro tablet and the SMART board were used.
The research targets third-grade students from two schools in the city of Mediaş, who were selected in a controlled manner to establish the control group and other randomly selected students for the target group, thus selecting 22 research participants.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, language and communication disorders in ASD, alternative and augmentative communication strategies, visual clues, echolalia
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2024.10.1.03
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Implicații ale întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului la vârsta școlarității. Program complex de intervenție logopedică
Implicații ale întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului la vârsta școlarității. Program complex de intervenție logopedică
Implications of speech and language delay in school age. Complex program of speech and language therapy
Nicoleta – Valentina KISS
The final results showed progress in the development of language in the students, progress was identified in the emission of sounds and the correction of distorted or replaced sounds, new words were learned leading to vocabulary development, reading and writing skills were developed, auditory-verbal perception skills were developed especially for students with delayed language development in the context of hearing disability. Although the intervention period was short, it had an impact for each pupil chosen in the research.
Keywords:speech delay, language, evaluation, intervention, methodological auxiliary
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2024.10.1.04
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Intervenție timpurie în dezvoltarea limbajului la copiii născuți prematur. Implicațiile mobilizării orofaciale
Intervenție timpurie în dezvoltarea limbajului la copiii născuți prematur. Implicațiile mobilizării orofaciale
Early intervention for speech and language development in preterm infants. Implications of orofacial motor training
Keywords:language development, prematurity, early intervention, orofacial mobilization, intervention plan
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Program integrat de dezvoltare a laturii morfo-sintactice a limbajului în contextul dizabilității intelectuale
Program integrat de dezvoltare a laturii morfo-sintactice a limbajului în contextul dizabilității intelectuale
Integrated program for morpho-syntactic language development in children with intellectual disabilities
Mădălina VAIDA
Keywords: intellectual disabilities, morphology, syntax, speech and language development, morphologic categories
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Integrarea școlară și socială a elevilor cu CES prin strategii psihopedagogice
Integrarea școlară și socială a elevilor cu CES prin strategii psihopedagogice
Aspects of social and educational inclusion of children with special educational needs through psychopedagogical strategies
The theoretical part includes notions about psycho-pedagogical intervention strategy in the context of intellectual disability and in the context of fluency reading difficulties and poor comprehension for students with special educational needs (with intellectual disabilities). I presented a theoretical approach for reading fluency and psychopedagogical applications in the act of reading.
The research part includes 5 case studies for students with special educational needs (with intellectual disabilities), integrated in regular education. The general objective of the paper was to analyze the effectiveness of using the personalized intervention program, as a psycho-pedagogical intervention strategy for the development of fluency and comprehension in the act of reading, for students with special educational needs. In conclusion the relationship between the development of fluency and comprehension skills in the act of reading and the school and social integration of students with Special Educational Needs was mentioned, which is reflected in the increase in school results and has implicitly beneficial effects on the school and social integration of these students.
Keywords:reading fluency, reading comprehension, psychopedagogical intervention strategy, Special Educational Needs
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Rolul jocurilor de percepție, atenție și memorie în dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la copiii preșcolari și școlari de vârstă mică
Rolul jocurilor de percepție, atenție și memorie în dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la copiii preșcolari și școlari de vârstă mică
The role of perception, attention and memory games in developing the phonological awareness for preschool and school age children
Ramona Karola KOVACS
It is highlighted that there is no flexibility in the manipulation of phonological units if spatial and temporal orientation abilities are affected, if there is an attentional deficit that affects the encoding and updating of knowledge related to auditory and verbal memory in daily communication.
The role of phonological awareness and instrumental skills related to language development in academic performance is the reason for these researches that show the importance of early identification of speech and language disorders in the last year of kindergarten respectively in the first year of preparatory class in order to apply game methods that can improve language structure and can prevent learning difficulties.
The present research aims to reveal aspects regarding of phonological awareness, instrumental abilities and the role of activities that has an impact on the development of language structure that can be made with the help of my own working program called ”Detectivul cu urechi lungi (The Detective with long ears)” and working materials aimed at developing the processes of perception, attention and memory.
Keywords:Phonologycal Awareness, instrumetal skills (perception, attention, memory) rhymes, syllabes, phonemics, early intervention, language disorder
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Eficacitatea terapiei oro-mio-funcționale în cadrul terapiei ortodontice
Eficacitatea terapiei oro-mio-funcționale în cadrul terapiei ortodontice
The Efficiency of the oro-mio-functional therapy during orthodontic approaches
Ilia Teodora JIPA
Keywords:Orofacial muscules; Myofunctional therapy; Orofacial disorders, Orthodontics, Malocclusion, Oral habits
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Relația dintre dezvoltarea limbajului și psihomotricitate în contextul dizabilității intelectuale
Relația dintre dezvoltarea limbajului și psihomotricitate în contextul dizabilității intelectuale
TThe relation between language development and psychomotricity in the context of intellectual disability
Crina Ramona POP
The practical part contains the research methodology, objectives, assumption, the description of the participants (subjects) and the methods and the materials used. Next the expound section of the design, the interventions plan and the conclusions resulted after the carry on activities.
Like is shown in the title, the research was headed to identify the implications that psychomotricity disorders exert upon the language disorders on children with intellectual disability. The language and the psychomotricity represent two essential elements of the life and it is important to know the manner of their interactions and implications upon the children with intellectual disability. More is significant to discover the most efficient method of intervention to contribute in this way at the elimination or at least at the reduction of the complications. Here I got the conclusion that the most efficient method of intervention is to group the language activities with the psychomotricity activities. Of course, all the activities are organized in an attractive manner based on games so that they captivate and motivate the children to take part operatively in the activities. After the intervention plans were applied it was established the improvement of the children in the language and psychomotricity abilities.
Keywords:intellectual disability, psychomotricity elements, relationship, language development, the multidisciplinary team
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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