Psycho-behavioral strategies in approaching stuttering in school age children

Strategii terapeutice psiho – comportamentale în bâlbâială la vârsta școlară

Psycho-behavioral strategies in approaching stuttering in school age children

Mirela BUTTA

This article approaches stuttering from a psycho-behavioral perspective, both during the assessment stage and during the therapy stage. This approach is developed within a case study, is underlined the fact that stuttering needs a complex therapeutic approach. This complex approach can be delivered by the speech and language therapists as part of an intervention team, besides the psychologist, the psychotherapists and of course the parents and the child.

Keywords: stuttering, cognitive/behavioral approach, rythm, verbal behavior, school age.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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