Valenţe persuasiv-comunicaţionale şi catartice ale vocii în psihoterapie, euritmie şi în eufonia vocală
Persuasive-communicational and cathartic features of voice in psychotherapy, eurithmy and vocal euphony
Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA
This study focuses on five theoretical, methodological and practical problems from the area of
melotherapeutic mediation psychotherapies: the impact of the emotional state upon the voice; the
therapeutic persuasive-communicational valences of the voice; the emotional-cathartic valences of the voice in melotherapy; the eurythmics – a contemporary model of connection between movement, rhythm and sound; the therapeutic valences of vocal euphony. The insistence is on the efficiency of these approaches in the case of persons in difficulty due to illness or disability.
Keywords: melotherapy, cognitive musical therapies, eurythmics, vocal-musical therapy, vocal euphony, emotional valences, cathartic valences.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.08
Published on line: 15/03/2016
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