Persuasive-communicational and cathartic features of voice in psychotherapy, eurithmy and vocal euphony

Valenţe persuasiv-comunicaţionale şi catartice ale vocii în psihoterapie, euritmie şi în eufonia vocală

Persuasive-communicational and cathartic features of voice in psychotherapy, eurithmy and vocal euphony

Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA

Persuasive – communicational and cathartic valences of the voice in psychotherapy and in vocal euphony.
This study focuses on five theoretical, methodological and practical problems from the area of
melotherapeutic mediation psychotherapies: the impact of the emotional state upon the voice; the
therapeutic persuasive-communicational valences of the voice; the emotional-cathartic valences of the voice in melotherapy; the eurythmics – a contemporary model of connection between movement, rhythm and sound; the therapeutic valences of vocal euphony. The insistence is on the efficiency of these approaches in the case of persons in difficulty due to illness or disability.

Keywords: melotherapy, cognitive musical therapies, eurythmics, vocal-musical therapy,  vocal euphony, emotional valences, cathartic valences.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.08

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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