Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder. A study investigating the perception of the Romanian speech and language therapists

Tulburarea de comunicare socială (pragmatică) – (TCSP).
Studiu ilustrând percepția specialiștilor în terapia limbajului din România.

Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder. A study investigating the perception of the Romanian speech and language therapists


Social (pragmatic communication disorder) is a new specific diagnosis category proposed in this form just from 2013 through DSM-5. This reorganization of the speech and language disorders implies new directions in the professional continuous development field for speech and language therapists. In this light this article details the investigation conducted in order to underline the position of the speech and language therapists from Romania regarding this new diagnosis of social (pragmatic) communication disorder, how often do they face this diagnosis, to what extend their initial training and continuous professional development trainings ensure suitable abilities and competences to work with children or adults with this diagnosis, to what extend to they express the need to get new information and new competences in the assessment and intervention field for this diagnosis. Results obtained (data were collected from 122 speech and language therapists) underlined the fact that even if social (pragmatic) communication disorder is not a classical speech and a language disorder, speech and language therapists from Romania meet here quite often and express great need for further training in this filed, even if some of them indicated that their initial and continuous training offered them good and functional abilities for assessing and intervention procedures for children and adults with social (pragmatic) communication disorder. These results were recommended to be taken into consideration for future accreditation of different educational training program in speech and language therapy field.

Keywords: social communication, pragmatics, social communication (pragmatic) disorders

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.02

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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