Language features in children with ADHD

Particularități ale limbajului la elevii cu ADHD

Language features in children with ADHD


This article presents aspects of cognitive functioning in children with ADHD and how the cognitive deficits influence the language skills. The symptoms of this affection have a negative influence on the process of acquiring and developing of language abilities. The hiperactivity, the lack of attention, the weak impulse control, the meager capacity to inhibit the prepotent answers, the weak organizing skills, the time and effort management problems trigger, in time, disturbances in higher language functions. These disturbances signify a weak capacity of configuration in the field of perception, of organization and orientation in space and time, difficulties of phonological processing, of working with symbols and in categorial processing of concepts, poor analysis and synthesis abilities, deficits of working memory. All these difficulties that are specific for a student with ADHD interact and lead to associated learning disabilities, including difficulties in leaning the written language. An intervention for this type of difficulties will not be efficient without comprising the main aspects that are deficient in the field of cognitive functioning.

Keywords: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cognitive deficits, speech language impairments, reading and writing disorders, learning disabilities.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.1.09

Published on line: 15/03/2017


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