Approaching laterality in the context of reading and writing disorders

Abordarea lateralității în tulburările de achiziție a scris-cititului

Approaching laterality in the context of reading and writing disorders

Mirela BUTTA

Both the genotypic aspects and the influences of education are included in the structure of laterality. That is why the examination of laterality must be realised differentially, taking into account two aspects: the first is the cortical one and represents the cerebral dominance, and the second is related to the exterior projection of the cerebral dominance. The students who do not present a well defined laterality have difficulties with movement coordination, with placing in space and time or with the appropriation of written or spoken language.
A well-defined programme of intervention has a positive impact on the correction and the optimisation of laterality disorder and on the development of the psychomotor skills, in the case of children with dyslexic-disgraphic deficiencies. The formative stage is very important, needing a longer period of time and a range of various exercises and educational games for its achievement.

Keywords:  laterality disorder, psychomotor acquisitions, dyslexic-disgraphic deficiencies, therapeutic customized plan of intervention


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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