Dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la vârsta preșcolară

Dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la vârsta preșcolară

Developing phonological awarness at pre-school age


The child’s ability to perceive language, as a structure consisting of a limited set of sounds or phonemes can be considered to be one of the greatest conceptual constructs of the human mind.
The purpose of the present study was to train and develop the phonological abilities of preschool children based on an intervention program based on the activities of building, exposing, analyzing and solving different tasks of phonological awareness, a program included in the daily activities of language education. It was also considered to compare the results of children in two groups: the experimental group after conducting the phonological awareness development plan and the control group after the traditional language education activities, according to the curriculum for pre-school education.

Keywords: child development language, phonological abilities, phonological awareness, intervention program, phonological auditory analysis.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.05

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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