Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU, Bianca BORȘ, Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN
The therapeutic relationship holds an important role in the therapeutic process and has been a highly researched topic in fields such as medicine, psychotherapy, counselling or physiotherapy. More recently, the research has also focused on the therapeutic relationship in the field of speech and language therapy, presenting one of the influential factors from both a clinical and an interpersonal perspective. Considering these aspects, the present paper aims to examine the influence of the speech therapist’s empathy and the quality of the relationship with the beneficiary in relation with the efficacy in the therapeutic process. Two case studies are presented to illustrate the ability of the speech therapists to create a therapeutic relationship based on their level of empathy, that supports the children and their engagement in the rehabilitation process, an open communication, along with the therapists’ perceptions on the child’s conflict and dependency.
Keywords: therapeutic relationship, empathy, speech therapy, children, closeness, conflict, dependency.
Published on line: 10/30/2023
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