Direcţii terapeutice de abordare a bâlbâielii la ṣcolarul mic studiu de caz longitudinal

Direcţii terapeutice de abordare a bâlbâielii la ṣcolarul mic studiu de caz longitudinal

Therapeutic approaches for addressing stuttering in school age children. Longitudinal case study


Most frequent types of language disorders, which are common for pupils from primary school, are receptive language disorders, expressive language disorders, shuttering and language delay. Shuttering, for instance, is a complex challenge for teachers, parents and speech therapists because they have to constantly sustain the child to produce fluent speech.
The purpose of this study is to identify in which way the shuttering is influenced by the relationship between the morphological component (CML) of the verbal speech and the verbal production (PV) for the pupil from the primary school who is diagnosed with disfluency or shuttering.
Keywords: speech therapy, language disorders, stuttering, fluency, disfluency, K1-3
Published on line: 10/31/2024

Rolul calității relației terapeutice și a empatiei în eficiența intervenției logopedice cu copiii

Rolul calității relației terapeutice și a empatiei în eficiența intervenției logopedice cu copiii

AThe role of the quality of therapeutic relationship and empathy in the efficacy of speech therapy with children

Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU, Bianca BORȘ, Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN

The therapeutic relationship holds an important role in the therapeutic process and has been a highly researched topic in fields such as medicine, psychotherapy, counselling or physiotherapy. More recently, the research has also focused on the therapeutic relationship in the field of speech and language therapy, presenting one of the influential factors from both a clinical and an interpersonal perspective. Considering these aspects, the present paper aims to examine the influence of the speech therapist’s empathy and the quality of the relationship with the beneficiary in relation with the efficacy in the therapeutic process. Two case studies are presented to illustrate the ability of the speech therapists to create a therapeutic relationship based on their level of empathy, that supports the children and their engagement in the rehabilitation process, an open communication, along with the therapists’ perceptions on the child’s conflict and dependency.

Keywords: therapeutic relationship, empathy, speech therapy, children, closeness, conflict, dependency.

Published on line: 10/30/2023
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O propunere de adaptare pentru limba română a unei probe de fluență verbală fonematică (testul de asociere orală controlată a cuvintelor – COWAT)

O propunere de adaptare pentru limba română a unei probe de fluență verbală fonematică (testul de asociere orală controlată a cuvintelor – COWAT)

A model of addapting in Romanian language of a verbal phonemic fluency test (The Controlled Oral Word Association Test -COWAT)

Ovidiu-Cristian TUDOREAN, Alois GHERGUȚ

Verbal fluency is an indicator of good cognitive functioning. The Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT) is part of the examination tools in neuropsychology. For English there are stratified standards by age and background (Tombaugh, Kozak, & Rees, 1999). The phonemic combinations used are F-A-S, C-T-L or P-R-W. These combinations are not specific to the Romanian language. This study proposes a way to identify phonemes that could be specific to the Romanian language for an adapted version of the COWAT test.

Keywords: Verbal fluency; COWAT, adaptation for Romanian language.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.03

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Cum pot jocurile online să fie folosite în sesiunile de terapie a tulburărilor de limbaj la copii? -Studiu de caz: aplicația mobilă OctoPlay

Cum pot jocurile online să fie folosite în sesiunile de terapie a tulburărilor de limbaj la copii? – Studiu de caz: aplicația mobilă OctoPlay

How the online games can be used during SLT sessions?/Case study- Octoplay app


This article presents how online games can be used in the speech therapy sesssions with children, having as case study the mobile app OctoPlay.
The OctoPlay application combines the speech therapists` approach with technology and meets the needs of children, therapists and parents through the structure of customizable exercises, collaborative environment and other tools included in the application (video model and mirror technique, virtual reality version, automatic progress reports and the possibility to customize the exercises according to the child’s needs). Practical aspects about how Octoplay App can be used are discussed and information about how it can be accessed are detailed

Keywords: speech therapy, personalized programs, collaborative environment, virtual reality, mirror technique, game, OctoPlay application

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.11

Published on line: 31/10/2021


Anca, M.; Haţegan, C. (2008). Terapia limbajului. O abordare interdisciplinară, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca.

Bodea Hațegan, C. (2016). Logopedia. Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj- Structuri deschise, București: Editura Trei.

Bodea Hațegan, C., Talaș, D. (2020). Ghid Practic de Organizare a Activităților Online, Colecția Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de comunicare, Presa Universitară Clujeană.

Bodea Haţegan, C. Roşan, A. (coord.). (2015). Tulburările de limbaj şi comunicare, în Psihopedagogie specială. Modele de Evaluare şi intervenţie, Editura Polirom, Iaşi.


Studiu privind activitățile de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj în grădinițe

Studiu privind activitățile de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj în grădinițe

Investigative study regarding the prevention activities related with speech and language disorders in kindergartens

Simona Bianca ROȘCA

The present research starts from the idea of preventing language disorders from an early age, given the results of previous research on the effectiveness of early interventions.
Following a preliminary documentation that consisted in the study of Romanian legislation, specialized literature, speech therapy aids, speech therapy software, sites with medical profile and special pedagogy, it was found an insufficient approach to prevention and we wanted to investigate what activities speech therapy teachers consider to be included in the concept of prevention. We also sought to find out to what extent speech therapists take into account the prevention part and what activities they carry out for this purpose. The results were limited and we see them from at least two perspectives: the small group of participants that led to limited data and the absence or quasi-absence of prevention in speech therapy, this being too little described in the literature and outlined as a methodology in school documents. The most common options chosen by language therapists for prevention were to carry out speech therapy activities in prevention groups under the age of 5 and to carry out information activities for educators and parents and only then screening activities

Keywords: communication skills, intellectual disabilities, verbal communication, special education, speech therapy, reading imagine
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.05

Published on line: 31/03/2021

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Aplicații ale mobilizării orofaciale în contextul sindromului Down

Aplicații ale mobilizării orofaciale în contextul sindromului Down

Oro-motor therapy- practical aspects in Down syndrome context

Mădălina VAIDA

The current study proposes an intervention of oral-motor techniques, targeting peripheral stimulation with central-level effects, where synaptic densification is expected to allow a more coordinated motor response, with positive outcomes on the speech intelligibility. The intervention techniques belong to quite different fields: myofunctional techniques (posture determination, isotonic exercises for the oral musculature), oro-facial massage according to the C. Morales method, passive stimulation with a vibrating instrument (z-vibe) and repetitions of diadokokinetics. An ABA (single-subject experiment) experimental design was created and implemented. The output evaluation was based on verbal material, structured from simple to complex (syllables, words, narrative structures) and presented either exclusively by auditory way or by auditory and visual ways.

Keywords: inteligibility, oro-motor techniques, Down syndrome, speech therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.04
Published on line: 30/10/2020

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Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Developing communication abilities in children with intellectual disabilities

Ioana Delia ȚÎRLEA, Simona Rodica ABRUDAN

This article presents the importance of the constant use of a programme based on the reading of images in the activities of language therapy for the development of communication skills in students with intellectual disabilities.
The first part of the paper presents the particularities of the students with intellectual disability, respectively the particularities of the language and the communication, as well as implications in the educational process. The second part illustrates the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the implementation of the reading program after images in the activities of speech disorder therapy. The objectives, hypothesis and expected results are described.
The design of the study is based on the final results with the initial outcomes after the intervention programe was applied. The data obtained show that the activities determines positive effects in the development of communication skills, the use of a richer vocabulary, the more complex expression.

Keywords: communication skills, intellectual disabilities, verbal communication, special education, speech therapy, reading imagine
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.05
Published on line: 30/10/2020
Published on line: 30/10/2020

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Particularități terapeutice în tulburarea de ritm și fluență de tipul bâlbâielii asociată cu hipoacuzia de transmisie

Particularități terapeutice în tulburarea de ritm și fluență de tipul bâlbâielii asociată cu hipoacuzia de transmisie

Therapeutic approach in rhythm and fluency disorder associated with transmission hearing loss

Mirela BUTTA

Some studies made a connection between mild transmission hearing impairment and the ability to perceive speech rate both led to stuttering.
Language acquisition is closely linked to the hearing development. Children with hearing impairments go through the same steps in hearing development as typically developed children do but they need more time to go through each developmental stage.
During the intervention programme, hearing must not be dealt with in an isolated way. It is highly recommended that the functions of hearing to be connected with the functions the tactile-kinesthetic, visual, dynamic, olfactory, vestibular ones. The child will be able to develop the capacity of auditory decoding and also the communicative competences as the capacity of hearing is growing in combination with other sensory ways.

Keywords: mild transmission hearing impairment, developmental stuttering, speech therapy, fluency disorders,, The Programme of Runyan-fluency rules.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.07

Published on line: 31/10/2018

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Intervenția logopedică în reabilitarea tulburărilor de deglutiție a pacienților cu paralizie cerebrală infantilă

Intervenția logopedică în reabilitarea tulburărilor de deglutiție a pacienților cu paralizie cerebrală infantilă

Speech Therapy in Deglutition rehabilitation process in infants with cerebral palsy


Infantile cerebral palsy is a motor disability that occurs in 3.6 ‰ births, being one of the most common neurological disorders associated with swallowing disorders.
Worldwide, intervention on cerebral palsy and swallowing disorders in children is done by speech therapists. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) emphasizes that childhood swallowing disorders presents some particular aspects, both in terms of diagnosis but also rehabilitation intervention.
This paper is a study that focuses on the practical utility and represents a response to the practical problems of school children with swallowing disorder. Cerebral palsy associated with swallowing disorder shouldn’t be a reason for excluding a child from the education system.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, speech therapy, swallowing disorders, postural strategy, sensoriomotor therapy
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.06

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Deglutition disorders-atypical deglutition. Miofunctional therapy for rehabilitation

Perturbări de deglutiție – deglutiția atipică. Terapia miofuncțională de recuperare

Deglutition disorders-atypical deglutition. Miofunctional therapy for rehabilitation

Elena L. BUZZO

Deglutition is a neuromuscular mechanism which passes through a physiological maturation when passing from childhood to adulthood. A deficient deglutition can be met when childish swallowing is still present even in adult stage. During an atypical deglutition the tongue makes a pressure on the palate and on the teeth or can slip through the teeth’s arcades. Miofunctional speech and language therapy is the best way to address the atypical deglutition process. This is a reeducation process, a process of reestablishing of the oral function through a series of progressive exercises which focuses on the correction of the tongue`s position and the automatization of the swallowing process. Applying in a consistent manner the miofunctional therapy, both in the speech therapy office and during daily life activities, using the necessary orthodontic devices specific in each situation, the results are positive, atypical deglutition being turned in a mature swallowing process.

Keywords: deglutition, miofunctional therapy, swallowing disorder, orthodontic devices, speech therapy



Published on line: 15/03/2017


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