Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Increasing communication efficiency among teachers and parents by using ClassDojo

Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Crina Maria IANCU, Renata ORBAN

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords: communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.02
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Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

The use of WIDGIT symbols in the development of communication at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN, Andrea HATHAZI

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords:communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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