Apraxia și tulburarea de spectru autist-TSA

Apraxia și tulburarea de spectru autist-TSA

Apraxia and autism spectrum disorder ASD


This article, Apraxia and autism spectrum disorder focuses on detailing apraxia symptomatology with the main elements of this pathology. In the first part of the article terminology is approached, distinguishing between apraxia and dyspraxia. In the second part of the article the main symptomatology apraxia features are discussed and afterward they are put in relation with the ASD. In order to be able to identify the best way to approach apraxia in ASD context three research questions are raised: In what degree does the combination between ASD and apraxia slow down speech and language development? Which are the most frequent speech and language difficulties and causes which lead to the association of ASD with apraxia? Which are the most efficient intervention programs in the context of ASD associated with apraxia? To these three research questions answers are found by a deep and thorough theoretical investigation of the main studies and research in this field, results being discussed from the point of view of the way speech and language therapy field in Romania can approach apraxia in ASD contex.
Keywords: apraxia, dyspraxia, ASD, motor speech disorders, phonological disorders


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The Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol


Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC)


Particularități ale integrărilor și procesărilor senzoriale în tulburarea de spectru autist – TSA

Particularități ale integrărilor și procesărilor senzoriale în Tulburarea de spectru autist TSA

Features of sensorial processing and integration in ASD

Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU, Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Tania TUȘE

In recent years, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders ASD has increased alarmingly, currently affecting 1 in 44 children according with CDC. The difficulties that people with ASD face are diverse, but sensory integration and processing problems are present in different ASD situations or settings. This study aims to reflect what are the sensory integration sensitivities reported by people with ASD and related to the age, the standard of living of the people, the gender of the participants, etc. A better understanding of the difficulties these individuals have may bring long-term functionality and impacts clinical and educational settings.
Keywords: ASD, Sensorial integration, sensorial processing, hypersensitivity, sensorial deficits


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**Notă: Date preliminare ale studiului de față au fost prezentate în cadrul conferinței Education and New Developments 2022. Madeira, Portugal, 18-20 iunie 2022.