This article tries to establish the main common lines of motor and language development during the first year of life. The need to see this relation during the first year of life is of extreme importance mainly for preparing and delivering prevention programs as well as early intervention programs in both areas, in motor and in language areas. Concrete correlations between motor and language development are discussed, among these we can mention: the correlation between rhythmic arms movement and babbling development with a peak of manifestation around 28 weeks of life; the correlation between object displacement during play and the first spoken words, a correlation materialized around 12 months; the correlation between recognition gestures and verbal comprehension, a correlation developed during 9- 13 months of life. Signaling signs for directing parents` and therapists` attention are also listed, as well as short descriptions of the main diagnostic contexts in which the relation between motor and language development is to be underlined as a key point for diagnosis and intervention, even in early stages.
Keywords: motor development, language development, early intervention, prevention, developmental coordination disorders, dyspraxia
Ioana Mădălina ORIAN, Andreea Garofița BACIU
Basic concepts related with speech and language and the psychomotor elements represent the basis for the development of oral language. In the case of children with autism spectrum disorder, the structure of the language has its peculiarities. Although it can be said that there is no characteristic feature of language and communication in the context of ASD, because each case has specific features and is unique, a picture of signs and symptoms can characterize and highlight the autism spectrum disorder.
Recent studies highlight the direct link between fine, gross motor skills and the subsequent language development of the children with ASD. Through the analysis of several studies, this paper seeks to emphasize the importance of early intervention in Basic concepts related with speech and language (fine and gross motor skills, particularly), for the proper development of language and communication.
Keywords: motor development, motor skills, autism spectrum disorders, specific language impairment, early intervention
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.03
This study offers an interdisciplinary approach to the development of verbal language and of learning strategies in the case of children with intellectual disabilities, especially Down syndrome and Williams syndrome. Based on the socio-constructivist theory, on differential pedagogy and on the mediated learning model, it was concluded that effective language development relies on early intervention stimulations, employing cognitive methods and personalized educational programs.
Keywords: intellectual disabilities, verbal language, early intervention, early stimulation, cognitive education
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.04
Taking into consideration the current context, Sign Language remote interpreting is a topic often encountered in accessibility for Deaf people. Our study explores the aspects of remote Sign Language interpreting in Romania during the Covid-19 pandemic. After a short theoretic framework about remote interpreting and particularities in the context of using Sign Language, we resume the findings of our investigation in which we used survey data from 39 Romanian Sign Language Interpreters active in the pandemic context. We emphasize advantages and disadvantages of this variant of Sign Language interpreting and in the end, we share some findings and recommendations from the field practice.
Keywords: remote interpreting, Sign Language, interpreter experiences, LSR-Romanian Sign Language, Covid-19
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.05
Maria-Emilia MARTIN
The aim of this paper was to illustrate the approach of speech and language asssessment developed within the Interschool Speech Therapy Centers in Romania (Centrele Logopedice Interșcolare), at the beginning of the school year, in a pandemic context. It presents the initial evaluation of students and preschoolers, but also the way in which the complex evaluation of children identified with speech and language disorders is developed, fallowing the legislation and specific methodology. The Speech and Language Evaluation Scale is a very useful tool at this stage and beyond. This helps to condense the relevant data about children, to formulate the speech therapy diagnosis and to outline the therapeutic approach. The developed model addresses both aspects of psychomotor development and aspects of pronunciation and articulation. It is designed mainly for primary school students, but can also be applied to preschoolers. The presented case study is intended to highlight the way this model can be used, at various stages, in a specific intervention strategy.
Keywords: hearing impairments, coarticulatory process, language assessment, teaching aid, intelligibility of speech
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.06
Alina Cosmina COSMA
The aim of the present research was to make easier L2 or L3 Italian lessons by using modern technologies, adapted on base of a certain sampling reference: impairment and/or deficiency pupils. In our research we were using assistive-adaptive and rehabilitation technology, taking into account modern software ad hardware systems. The result of using such technologies was the lexical development by correcting the expressive level and by practicing linguistic adapted idioms.
Keywords: hearing impairments, disability, Italian, lexical development, AT (Assistive Technologies)
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.07
Students with multiple disabilities may present many challenges regarding their development in areas such as cognition, language and communication, social interaction, emotional abilities, literacy, or behaviour. The speech and language therapist is a member of the multidisciplinary team which assesses, plans, and implements specific intervention programs for children with multiple disabilities. Most of these children are strongly dependent on their parents, teachers, or therapists for every activity they carry out through the day. Depending on their communication behaviour or patterns with a certain partner, children with multiple disabilities require individualized and/or personalized programmes of communication which may include specific strategies. This paper will present the differences between individualised and personalized approaches and will propose a reflective-based tool for assessment and intervention centred on developing communication abilities for children with multiple disabilities.
Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches
Vasile Radu PREDA
The emotional and instrumental components of social support are necessary for fostering the coping strategies associated with professional stress and with teachers’ burnout syndrome. The prevention of stress and of teacher burnout symptoms was initially based mainly on the implementation of measures meant to develop individual competencies. However, the data we obtained through the different investigations will show that it is essential to increase the preoccupation with the prevention of stress in the educational environment by using preventive measures centered on improving the schools’ socio-emotional climate and professional management.
Keywords: stress, burnout syndrome, social support, socio-emotional climate,professional management.
Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU
Depression represents a mental health problem and a real concern in the actual pandemic context. As a state or a trait, depression is also common in persons with special needs. The person diagnosed with depression is unable to concentrate, to sustained attention and to retrieve information. Speed is also impaired. Those particularities impact on language and communication for persons with depression. There is a link between poor verbal interaction and the flow of ideas. Depressive persons use less words in communication and avoid the use of verbal language. In major depressive disorder, the most frequent depressive disorder, affecting 10-25% of women and 5-12% of men, verbal fluency is impaired. Words repetitions are frequent. This is an indicator for impaired working memory. Concentration is also affected, ideo-verbal disorganization and unstructured sentences are present. Adjectives and negative semantic words are used. Depressive persons prefer more past tense then present tense and future tense is almost absent. They use the ”I” more than persons without depression or in remissions.
Language display by depressive persons could be a valid indicator for early and differential diagnosis. This study is a narrative one focus on highlight the language displayed by persons with depressive disorder as a refection of specific cognitive, affective ad perceptual changes.
Keywords: depressive disorder, verbal fluency, cognitive impairments, psycholinguistic markers.