Social Communication Pragmatic Disorder- Erasmus+ Framework

Tulburarea de Comunicare Socială (Pragmatică)- Erasmus+ Framework

Social Communication Pragmatic Disorder- Erasmus+ Framework

Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

Erasmus+ Framework through KA1-KA3 actions is a good possibility for staff training, youth mobility, students’ instruction, professional exchange and much more. Address in the KA1 – Learning mobility of individuals, ”We Can Too” was a project developed by Youth movement for development of the rural areas in Bulgaria in partnership with BNAL – Bulgarian National Association of Logopedists. The project brought together speech and language therapist from 5 different countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania), aiming to develop skills and good practices exchange in therapy for SPCD – Social Pragmatic Communication Disorders. Through 10 days of intensive training, SLTs become confident in using eye control techniques – Tobii PCEye for various disabilities, they translated and adapted the Pragmatic Profile proposed by Hazel Dewart and Susie Summers, 1995 in 5 languages and practiced Story Map Technique in developing pragmatic languages for intellectual disability, based on the Raggie (Sipsik) reading series. This training certified by EC with youth mobility certificate is considered an important element in skills acquired for SCPD therapy and a running start for further accurate diagnosis in accordance with DSM- V criteria and appropriate intervention

Keywords: SPCS – Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder, Story Map Technique, Eye Control Technology, Erasmus+ Framework.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.12

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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