Speech and language therapy in open rhinolalia context

Terapia logopedică a rinolaliei deschise

Speech and language therapy in open rhinolalia context

Mirela BUTTA

The general purpose of speech and language therapy, concerning rhinolalia, is removing the nasality from speech by developing a functional breathing ability, differentiating between nasal and oral breathing through the correct use of the epiglottis-laryngeal mechanism of closing.
In the case of the functional open rhinolalia, it is recommended the speech and language therapy to ensure the development of a correct articulator basis.
The speech therapy exercises are aiming especially the mobility of the velum and the coordination of the phonoarticulatory organs (for the mobility of the velum there are recommended exercises of blowing into different objects because the air under pressure is acting as a good massage for the velum; exercises done by blocking one nostril and trying to breathe; exercises of frequent deglutition of slight quantities of liquids).
The next stage of the therapy will be based on differentiating between the oral and the nasal breathing, on increasing the respiratory volume and precision and on prolonging the time of breathing out in verbal production.
After gaining control over the phonoarticulatory organs and the velum, phonetic exercises need to be implemented. It is important to put a great emphasis on the special gymnastics of each organ and on exercises of oral conduction of the respiratory wave. The sound producing must be obtained by using games and play therapy background.

Keywords: open rhinolalia, voice dysfunction, speech and language therapy, nasality, hipernasality

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.07

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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