Aplicaţii ale teoriilor psihopedagogice validate ştiinţific pentru activizarea potenţialului cognitiv al elevilor

Aplicaţii ale teoriilor psihopedagogice validate ştiinţific pentru activizarea potenţialului cognitiv al elevilor

Applications of the evidence based psychopedagogical theories for activating students` cognitive abilities

Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA1

The applications of the psycho-pedagogical theory, scientific validated, for development of cognitive potential of the pupils
The present study, in the first part offers one synthesis of psycho-pedagogical eheory – scientific validates – elaborated by Vygotski, Feuerstein, Bruner and Audy. In experimental part, the study offers an analysis of the psychological, pedagogical and didactics approaches and methods utilizing for development of authentic cognitive potential of the pupils.
From a scientific point of view, at the root of the theoretical and pragmatic approach to educational processes meant to foster integration lies the undeniable truth that instructional systems and practices must activate the genuine psychological potential of each and every child.
Educational reforms in inclusive education, when based on teamwork, require the employment of a social-constructivist and psycho-pedagogical theory and framework combined with the presence of highly-specialised practitioners.

Keywords: psycho-pedagogical theory, cognitive potential, instructional systems, educational processes, didactics approaches, inclusive schools.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.09

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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