Limbaj și comunicare în contextul TSA: mituri și evidențe

Limbaj și comunicare în contextul TSA: mituri și evidențe

Language and communication: myths and evidences

Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU, Carolina BODEA HAŢEGAN, Bogdana MICLEA

Autism spectrum disorder is a very common developmental disorder nowadays. CPLOL celebrated speech and language therapy day on the 6th of March and dedicated this day to Communication in Autism. Based on this, we prepared a workshop within our association (ASTTLR) under this theme where ASD was approached based on the language myths and on the language evidences. The fallowing myths and evidences were discussed based on significant studies in the field: echolalia, language idiosyncrasy, personal pronoun usage, gestures, the gap between receptive and expressive language. Conclusions underlined that language development can be an important indicator in ASD, but it must be carefully approached as not all specific language development features can be by themselves diagnostic criteria.

Keywords:autism spectrum disorder, speech and language disorders, social-pragmatic communication disorder, echolalia, language idiosyncrasy, personal pronoun

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.1.11

Published on line: 31/03/2019
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