Integrarea școlară și socială a elevilor cu CES prin strategii psihopedagogice

Integrarea școlară și socială a elevilor cu CES prin strategii psihopedagogice

Aspects of social and educational inclusion of children with special educational needs through psychopedagogical strategies


This paper presents the importance of using psychopedagogical strategies in educational activities, for a better integration of students with special educational needs (with intellectual disabilities) in school and in society.
The theoretical part includes notions about psycho-pedagogical intervention strategy in the context of intellectual disability and in the context of fluency reading difficulties and poor comprehension for students with special educational needs (with intellectual disabilities). I presented a theoretical approach for reading fluency and psychopedagogical applications in the act of reading.
The research part includes 5 case studies for students with special educational needs (with intellectual disabilities), integrated in regular education. The general objective of the paper was to analyze the effectiveness of using the personalized intervention program, as a psycho-pedagogical intervention strategy for the development of fluency and comprehension in the act of reading, for students with special educational needs. In conclusion the relationship between the development of fluency and comprehension skills in the act of reading and the school and social integration of students with Special Educational Needs was mentioned, which is reflected in the increase in school results and has implicitly beneficial effects on the school and social integration of these students.
Keywords:reading fluency, reading comprehension, psychopedagogical intervention strategy, Special Educational Needs
Published on line: 03/31/2024

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Dezvoltarea abilităților lexico – semantice în contextul dificultăților de învățare

Dezvoltarea abilităților lexico – semantice în contextul dificultăților de învățare

Developing lexical-semantic abilities in the context of learning disabilities


This article presents different concepts and theories related to learning difficulties, dyslexia, reading fluency and reading comprehension. It also presents the results obtained by applying the PEAFC and the Crichton Scale. The initial assessment was made in December 2016, and the second one in May 2017. The two assessments let us emphasize the specificity of the difficulties encountered in reading fluency and in reading comprehension.

Keywords: : reading fluency, reading comprehension, learning difficulties, lexical-sematic difficulties, Crichton Scale, PEAFC(Probe for Assessing and Training Reading Fluency)
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.08

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Aloud Reading –technique for developing lexical abilities

Cititul cu voce tare-modalitate de dezvoltarea abilităţilor lexicale

Aloud Reading –technique for developing lexical abilities

Carolina BODEA-HAŢEGAN, Dorina TALAŞ, Raluca TRIFU

This paper brings into the light the reading aloud as strategy to improve linguistic competences. In the fist part of the article, after a short introduction, reading aloud is analyzed from a controversial point of view, analyzing the specialized literature which underlines the positive impact of reading aloud on developing linguistic abilities, but also the negative impact. In the second part reading aloud is analyzed through the features it involves, bot at the voce parameters and in the kinesthetic sector (gestures which the reader uses in order to facilitate the access of the listener to the meaning of the text). The fallowing section of the article underline on the implication that reading aloud can have on increasing the active and passive vocabulary, but also on shaping the behavior of the children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). In the last part of the article authors describe a practical experience where reading aloud was used as both a speech therapy strategy and as a strategy to activate children reading comprehension abilities during the World Read Aloud Day (an International event that celebrated Reading Aloud).

Keywords:reading aloud, voice, World Read Aloud Day, vocabulary, reading comprehension


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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