Elaborarea unui scale de măsurare a atitudinii cadrelor didactice față de elevii cu CES integrați în învățământul de masă

Elaborarea unui scale de măsurare a atitudinii cadrelor didactice față de elevii cu CES integrați în învățământul de masă

Develop a scale to establish teachers`s attitude towards childdren with special needs integrate in mainstream school

Nicoleta Raluca LUPU

Inclusion of people with disabilities is a topical issue that occupies an important place among the concerns of specialists. The attitude of community members can positively or negatively influence the process. In the process of integration of pupils with special education needs in mainstream schools an important role has the attitude of teachers. Measuring attitudes of a large group of participants to respect the principle of anonymity is difficult. The purpose of this study was to develop a instrument to measure teachers’ attitudes towards the integration of pupils with special education needs in mainstream school. Knowing the real attitude and the factors that influence this attitude will allow specialists to develop and implement programs to change attitudes, thus favoring the integration of pupils with special needs.

Keywords:special education needs, attitude, integration, scale

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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