Povestea – Instrument de stimulare cognitivă pentru copiii cu intelect de limită integrați în școala de masă

Povestea – Instrument de stimulare cognitivă pentru copiii cu intelect de limită integrați în școala de masă

The story as a tool for cognitive stimulation for children with mild intellectual disabilities integrated in mainstream school

Aura-Liliana BRÎNZILĂ
Abstract The study focused on students with liminal intellect integrated in the mainstream school and was based on adapting the teaching-learning-recovery methods to the students` developmental particularities. It started from the premise that students’ cognitive Rehabilitation process would be improved through cognitive stimulation programs based on the storytelling method. The storytelling as a therapeutic method accompanied a set of exercises for cognitive stimulation influenced children` s cognitive performances. Participants in the research were 32 students from the second grade based on the results they obtained on „Progressive Reaven Matrices” test (QI values in the range 68-85). Participants were organized in two groups: 16 in the experimental group and 16 in the control group. Test-retest method with a single dependent variable was used. Qualitative results of this research are: the metaphors used in the stories taught the students to overcome the emotional barriers, they learned that they can ask several times about something they did not understand, without being criticized or stigmatized for their lack of knowledge; the symbols used in the construction of the stories led to the development of an efficient communication between the parents and the students included in the experimental group; the cognitive stimulation program facilitated the structuring and restructuring of learning leading to the improvement of learning difficulties.

Keywords: learning disabilities, early intervention, reading and writing

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.09

Published on line: 31/10/2021


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