Aspecte psihologice ale intervențiilor școlare în cazul tulburărilor de limbaj scris și oral

Aspecte psihologice ale intervențiilor școlare în cazul tulburărilor de limbaj scris și oral

Psychological aspects of school interventions in oral and written language disorders


Language disorder is one of the most common childhood problems. The results of epidemiology studies are estimating that 1 in 12 preschoolers has a language disorder. The consequences of unresolved speech and language problems are significant and lead over time to behavioral disorders, mental health problems, reading difficulties, and school failure, including truancy and school dropout. Hence, we consider imperative raising awareness of this issue in the educational environment. Several studies reported an increased prevalence of social and emotional problems among children with written or spoken language disorders. Furthermore, a large body of research has demonstrated positive effects of school interventions in developing resilience strategies among children with language disorders. Accordingly, based on the results of previously conducted research of language disorders, this article presents a brief review of frequently associated social, emotional, and behavioral problems and reviews particular aspects of school interventions, which may contribute to students’ socio-emotional resilience.

Keywords: language disorder; socio-emotional difficulties; behavioral problems; school interventions; socio-emotional resilience
Published on line: 10/30/2023
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