Afazia Globală. Studiu de caz

Afazia Globală. Studiu de caz

Global aphasia. A case study report

Carolina BODEA HAȚEGAN,Dorina TALAȘ, Beatrice Gabriela PRISACARIU, Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

This paper presents an overview of a patient with global aphasia, a neurological language disorder resulting from brain injury, encompassing a diverse range of symptoms. Aphasia can be acquired or congenital, depending on the timing of onset. In adults, it typically follows cerebral traumas, such as stroke or accidents, with symptoms categorized by difficulties in oral and written language comprehension and expression, as well as cognitive, motor, and psychological impairments. Various types of aphasia exist, including global aphasia, which severely affects all aspects of language due to extensive left hemisphere damage, commonly associated with stroke. The implications of global aphasia in a 30-year-old patient is presented, highlighting its severe impact on speech and language functions, typically resulting from significant left hemisphere lesions. Patients with global aphasia exhibit profound difficulties in speech production, comprehension, reading, writing, and naming, often accompanied by motor impairments. Prognosis is generally poor, necessitating multidisciplinary intervention and substantial effort for recovery.
Furthermore, the abstract discusses assessment and therapeutic approaches for aphasia, emphasizing comprehensive evaluation underlying linguistic, cognitive, motor, and psychosocial aspects. Therapeutic strategies focus on addressing linguistic deficits, developing communication skills, and utilizing language for cognitive stimulation and social interaction.
A case study is presented to illustrate the logopedic approach to global aphasia, detailing a young adult’s history of traumatic brain injury, subsequent recovery efforts, and neurologic evaluation, emphasizing the importance of integrated therapeutic interventions for improved outcomes.
Keywords: global aphasia, traumatic brain injury, case study, aphasia recovery program
Published on line: 03/31/2024

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Specificul dezvoltării abilităților de comunicare pragmatică în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Specificul dezvoltării abilităților de comunicare pragmatică în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

The specific of the development of pragmatic communication skills in the context of intellectual disability


This article presents a case study regarding Down syndrome and the difficulties that appear due to pragmatic communication disorder in the day to day life of persons with Down syndrome. Having difficulties in the area of pragmatic communication suggests the lack of functional communication, with impact on an individuals social life, human interractions, establishing and maintaining significant relationships, along with having difficulties in understanding speech, waiting for one`s turn, listening, starting, maintaining or ending a conversation.
Through specific speech therapy interventions, we can see in this case study how pragmatic communication can be trained by focusing on communication skills, articulation and pronuntiation exercises, with significant impact on the individuals self-esteem issues and the diminuation of dezadaptative behaviours characteristic to Down Syndrom

Keywords: pragmatic communication disorder, Down syndrome, intellectual disability, speech and language therapy, case study

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.05

Published on line: 31/10/2018

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Automatizarea sunetelor S şi Z în propoziţii. Studiu de caz

Automatizarea sunetelor S şi Z în propoziţii. Studiu de caz

Automatization of sounds S and Z in sentences. Case Study


The purpose of this article is to underline the main particularities of pronunciation in case of the children with dyslalia, sigmatism. Thus, in this article is presented a case study, which emphasizes both the assessment process and the intervention approach focused on the pronunciation of S and Z sounds (Romanian S-Z sounds) during the sentences level. Results demonstrated that an adequate assessment and intervention can ensure functional development of S and Z pronunciation. Also, the exercises practiced during intervention are useful not only for speech and language therapists, but also for parents of children with sigmatism.

Keywords:sigmatism, case study, assessment, intervention, sentences level, dyslalia.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.10

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de scris-citit prin metoda Meixner în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de scris-citit prin metoda Meixner în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Developing reading and reading skills through the Meixner method in the context of intellectual disability


In this paper, we will be overlooking the complex process of reading and writing in intellectually disabled students and the development of these processes through the use of the Meixner method of intervention. Knowing that learning reading and writing is directly dependent on the development of speech, spatial-temporal orientation as well as perception and the processes of attention and memory, along with, as stated in DSM-5th edition, the association of these disorders to learning disorders (non-dependent on intellectual disability), we can easily see the imperative need to use intervention methods, as is Meixner, to correct and enhance language development; Language development, or the lack of development, to be more precise is in fact, one of the primary predictors of reading and writing impairments in students that have intellectual disabilities, thus seen in: a poor vocabulary, slow, difficult reading rhythms, replacing, omitting or adding certain letters or syllables. This, has various and tremendous impacts in all areas of life, if the student does not receive the proper care and specialized intervention as early as possible (early intervention).
In the present case study we will notice how a young female student, with intellectual disability, delayed expressive language acquisition and mixed instrumental disorders, along with reading – writing disorder benefits from a Meixner intervention, achieving impressive results, coming to aid in her difficulty, improving the present disorders in reading – writing / language development, instrumental disorder, having achieved a more active vocabulary, better abilities of focusing on tasks, having remarkable results even in some behavioral aspects (classroom integration, social integration, social abilities, social communication).

Keywords: reading, writing, intellectual disability, Meixner method, intervention, learning disabilities, case study.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.11

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Reading features in stuttering context

Particularităţile citirii la elevii cu bâlbâială

Reading features in stuttering context


The purpose of this article is to underline the main features of reading a case study of the children diagnosed with stuttering. Thus, in this article is presented a case study, which contains an assessment process and intervention approach focused on reading fluency in the context of stuttering. Results demonstrated that an adequate assessment and intervention can ensure functional development in reading fluency even in stuttering cases.

Key words: stuttering, reading fluency, case study, assessment, intervention, functional development.


Published on line: 15/03/2016


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