Comunicarea didactică în mediul online
Didactic Communication in Online Learning
Ioana ROMAN, Mirela FĂRĂGĂU, Sorina DÂRJAN
Abstract This qualitative study was focused on higher education and learning through online didactic communication. Using an approach of mixed data collection methods, such as: essay, focus group technique and oral questioning, the research aimed to identify how online communication can be streamlined. The role is to identify different components of the learning environment that may affect the learning experience. These components could have a major impact on efficient communication of higher education (students cohort is N = 98). Results have shown that students had well-defined opinions regarding didactic communication in the virtual environment. They had a positive learning experience and efficient communication only if they were involved in activities and if they were not distracted by other actions or sounds of the environment.
Keywords: blended learning, comunicare eficientă, comunicare non-verbală, e-learning
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.03
Published on line: 31/10/2021
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