Probă pentru evaluarea abilităților de labiolectură în limba română a copiilor cu dizabilități de auz de vârstă școlară mica

Probă pentru evaluarea abilităților de labiolectură în limba română a copiilor cu dizabilități de auz de vârstă școlară mica

Lipreading assessment tool for Romanian hearing-impaired primary school children

Eliza-Magdalena ȘEULEANU, Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN, Andrea HATHAZI

Lipreading abilities have been investigated in numerous studies over the years, both in hearing-impaired/Deaf and hearing population. The paper presents an overview of the tests developed by several researchers in order to examine lipreading abilities in children and adults, both hearing and hearing-impaired or Deaf. The main elements which were integrated in these tests are discussed and underlined for the purpose of constructing a relevant lipreading test for Romanian hearing-impaired/ Deaf children in primary schools. The structure of the test is based on literature findings regarding the efficiency of other tests’ results depending on their components (subtests).

Keywords:lipreading abilities, lipreading assessment, perception of speech, hearing-impaired, deaf

Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare printr-un program de intervenţie bazat pe LSR (Limba Semnelor Române) şi simboluri grafice

Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare printr-un program de intervenţie bazat pe LSR (Limba Semnelor Române) şi simboluri grafice

Developing the communication skills through an intervention program based on LSR (Romanian Sign Language) and graphic symbols


The aim of this study is to create and to assess the efficiency of an intervention program based on Sign language and graphic symbols. The research had a comparative design pre-post-follow-up intervention. The participants to the program were deafblind/MSI students and the data proved there were significant differences between the pre-intervention, post-intervention and follow-up stage at the sign language level and at the graphic symbols acquired by the students.

Keywords:communication skills, Sign Language, graphic symbols, deafblind/multisensorial impairement, intervention program


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.04

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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