Utilizarea unei aplicații computerizate pentru evaluarea și antrenarea procesărilor fonologice

Utilizarea unei aplicații computerizate pentru evaluarea și antrenarea procesărilor fonologice

Using a computerized application to evaluate and increase phonological processes

Larisa-Ioana CRISTEA

The phonological processing with its two components: phonological awareness and phonemic awareness is focusing on differentiating the sounds that form the words. This side of the language has an important role in learning reading-writing which makes efficient intervention in training it absolutely necessary. This article focuses on the training process of phonological processing with the help of a mobile application as well as classic therapy.

Keywords: phonological processing, phonological awareness, information and communication technologies, phonemic awareness, mobile technologies

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.08

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Information and communication technologies

Programe informatice utilizate în terapia ludică la copiii cu dizabilităţi auditive

Information and communication technologies used during the play therapy for children with hearing impairments

Rodica POPESCU, Vasile Radu PREDA

Play therapy objectives and information and communication technologies for people with hearing impairment functions are identified in the first part of this article. There are many benefic aspects of using computers during therapeutic approaches when working with persons with hearing impairments. The research presents the results from 108 hearing impaired students evaluated with Verbal Comprehension Probe from Sibiu, non-verbal probe for auditory memory, auditory discrimination and sounds discrimination. During intervention the following programs were used: Detektiv Langohr, Paint Editor and Visual Stimulation Software. Conclusions reflect the improvements the students made in the following areas: digital competences, internet access and flexible perceptive-cognitive styles. Information and communication technologies can be used during the therapeutic activities in the benefit of students with hearing impairment.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, play therapy, hearing impairments.


Published on line: 15/10/2015


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