Relația dintre modalitățile de tratare a informațiilor şi potențialul de învățare

Relația dintre modalitățile de tratare a informațiilor şi potențialul de învățare

The relationship between information treatment modalities and learning potential

Vasile Radu PREDA

The relationship between information treatment modalities and learning potential. Neuropsychological research (Flessas and Lussier, 2001) focused on the simultaneous and sequential treatment of verbal or nonverbal information and developed the constructivist pedagogical theory and the interactive methodology for the acquisition of knowledge by pupils with learning disabilities in inclusive schools (Shimamura, 2008). Research in cognitive psychology (Kurtz, Borkowski, 1984; Nelson, Narens, 1990) explored metamemory and metacognition skills in relation to information treatment modalities and to the role of the pedagogical interactive methodology in developing the learning potential

Keywords:neuropsychological research, simultaneous treatment of information, sequential treatment of information, interactive methodology, knowledge, learning disabilities.

Published on line: 03/31/2023
Borkowski, J.G., Kurtz, E.B. (1984). Metacognition and special children. În: B. Cohlson, T. Rosenthal (Eds.). Applications of cognitive development theory. New York. Academic Press: 56-75.
Kurtz, E.B., Borkowsky, J.G. (1984). Cildren’s Metacognition: Exploring Relations among Knowledge, Process and Motivational Variables. Child Psychology, vol. 39: 235-354.
Lussier, F., Flessas, J. (2001). Neuropsychology de l’enfant. Troubles développementaux et de l’apprentisage.Paris:Dunod.
Nelson, T.O., Narens, L. (1990). Metamemory: A theoretical framework and new findings. În: G.H. Bower (ED.). The psychology of learning and motivation. New York. Academic Press: 1-45.
Shimamura, P.A. (2008). A Neurocognitive Approach to Metacognitive Monitoring and Control. În: J. Dunlosky, R. Bjork (Eds.). Handbook of Memory and Metacognition.Mahwah, N.J. Elbaum Publication: 373-389.