Writing and reading disorders in children

Tulburările de citire şi scriere la copiii nevăzători

Writing and reading disorders in children with children with visual impairments

Daniela BARTHA

The development of literacy for the visually impaired children constitutes the cornerstone of education. Many researchers noted that there are visually impaired children who might have some difficulties in learning to read and write in Braille. That is why, in this article we will try to describe these difficulties.
First of all, we will try to define and understand the language difficulties, namely dyslexia and dysgraphia. Secondly, we will try to make a short presentation of the Braille system. We will then go on with the analysis of some types of errors which are frequently observed in case of visually impaired children, but we will also discuss some possible stages of correcting them.
Moreover, this article also contains a practical section, in which we will present a case study of a visually impaired girl who studies in the High school for the Visually Impaired Children from Cluj-Napoca. In this case study, we will explain the therapy applied to help her overcome these difficulties.

Keywords: dyslexia, dysgraphia, reading difficulties, writing difficulties, visually impairments.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.04

Published on line: 15/10/2015


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