Strategii de dezvoltare fonetico-fonologică în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Strategii de dezvoltare fonetico-fonologică în contextul dizabilității intelectuale.

Strategies for phonetic-phonological development in children with intellectual disabilities

Simona Rodica GAIE

The article focuses on strategies for stimulating language development, using work strategies aimed at the development of phonetic phonological and phonological processing components in order to reduce the existing difficulties in the sphere of writing – reading in children with intellectual disabilities. The article presents, from a theoretical stand point, the intellectual disabilities and the particularities of psychological development – cognitive development – adaptive behavior and the specificity of the development of language in the context of intellectual disability, with emphasis on the phonetic – phonological side and the phonological processing of children with intellectual disability. By this it is delineated and highlighted the existing problems, namely the necessity of advancing phonetic phonological development strategies and the central objective of the paper, to emphasize the importance of the phonological processing skills in the case of children with intellectual disability, having as secondary objectives the training of the ability of phonological processing at the level of spontaneous and reflected speech, phonematic differentiation, phonematic perception, phonematic analysis, rhythmic pronunciation education.

Keywords:language, communication, intellectual disability, phonological processing, written – read disorders, speech disorder therapy


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.1.04

Published on line: 31/03/2019

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