Tulburarea de dezvoltare a coordonării – de la terminologie la diagnostic și intervenție. Implicații logopedice

Tulburarea de dezvoltare a coordonării – de la terminologie la diagnostic și intervenție. Implicații logopedice

Developmental coordination disorder DCD – terminology, diagnosis and intervention. The implication for speech therapy.

Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

Developmental coordination disorder DCD is a specific set of impairments corelated with gross and fine motor disfunction, poor motor planning and impaired sensor integration. The term is use wildly for this condition, based on the proposed term made by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), but others terms such as dyspraxia, specific motor dysfunction, specific coordination motor disfunction (ICD – 10) are used and preferred in the same time. The article displays the multiple terms used in the literature connected with the DCD, the criteria for diagnosis, the implication for education and target specific intervention in case of DCD.

Keywords: developmental coordination disorder, dyspraxia, motor disorder, CAS

Published on line: 30/10/2020

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