Nazalitate vs. nazalizare-de la evaluarea subiectivă, la evaluarea obiectivizată

Nazalitate vs. nazalizare-de la evaluarea subiectivă, la evaluarea obiectivizată

Nasality and nasalance-from the subjective to an objective assessment


Nasalance is an important concept in the field of resonance speech disorders as opposed to nasality. It ensures the objective measurements of the nasal production, aspect that reduces the value of nasality, for sure an older concept than nasalance. This article underlines especially the fact that both nasalance and nasality are two dimensions of the same reality, the assessment of resonances and that both of them are in the same time important and useful in order to establish a correct diagnosis and to prepare the suitable therapeutic program. The dispute nasalance and nasality is solved based on concrete application by using the nasometer and scales for measuring nasality. Conclusions support the idea that nasalance and nasality are two facets of the complex assessment in case of nasal resonance.

Keywords: nasalance, nasality, nasometer, voice disorders, functional voice

Published on line: 30/10/2020

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