Terapia vocală și tulburările de deglutiție în cazul pacienților cu neoplasm de cap și gât

Terapia vocală și tulburările de deglutiție în cazul pacienților cu neoplasm de cap și gât

Voice therapy and swallowing disorders in patients with head and neck neoplasms

Daiana Petrina MUREȘAN

This article brings into focus a sensitive and particularly pragmatic subject, namely the therapeutic approach to the oncology patient from the perspective of language disorders and swallowing management. Voice and speech disorders identify a well-established and mobile algorithm alike under the umbrella of the evaluative and interventional trajectory in oncology. It is necessary to promote and raise awareness of the fragility of the voice as a whole, the vicissitudes of extrinsic and intrinsic factors to which it is subjected daily, constantly. Therefore it is necessary to promote prevention programs and screening for a sanogenic voice. Of course, voice and speech disorders are adjacent to these swallowing disorders emerging from neoplasic pathology, therefore the promptness of the multimodal evaluative and interventional approach proves crucial in convalescence and recovery
Keywords: voice therapy, language, swallowing disorders, dysphagia, neoplasm, voice, phonation, oncology
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2024.10.2.04
Published on line: 10/31/2024

Implicații ale întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului la vârsta școlarității. Program complex de intervenție logopedică

Implicații ale întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului la vârsta școlarității. Program complex de intervenție logopedică

Implications of speech and language delay in school age. Complex program of speech and language therapy

Nicoleta – Valentina KISS

This paper aims to study the implications of language development in students with delayed language development with the help of a methodological aid developed. This manual was developed for pupils in preparatory class, grade I or pupils who have not mastered verbal and written language. To identify the benefits of the manual created in language development, five pupils from preparatory, grade I and grade IV who have not mastered verbal and written language or who have a delay in language development in the context of hearing disability were selected.
The final results showed progress in the development of language in the students, progress was identified in the emission of sounds and the correction of distorted or replaced sounds, new words were learned leading to vocabulary development, reading and writing skills were developed, auditory-verbal perception skills were developed especially for students with delayed language development in the context of hearing disability. Although the intervention period was short, it had an impact for each pupil chosen in the research.

Keywords:speech delay, language, evaluation, intervention, methodological auxiliary

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2024.10.1.04
Published on line: 03/31/2024
Anca, M. (1999). Probe psihologice neverbale pentru evaluarea copiilor cu cerințe speciale. Cluj – Napoca: Colecția Psihoped – Info.
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Învățarea explicită bazată pe metode didactice interactive utilizate pentru înțelegerea lecturi

Învățarea explicită bazată pe metode didactice interactive utilizate pentru înțelegerea lecturi

Explicit learning based on interactive pedagogical methods used for reading comprehension


Explicit learning based on interactive pedagogical methods used for reading comprehension.
When choosing the pedagogical strategies meant to foster the formation and the development of reading comprehension skills it is essential to detect the roots and the specifics of dysfunctions in the cognitive processes and competences that might affect reading comprehension. The personalized and systematic use of interactive pedagogical methods has a positive impact on: enriching the pupils’ vocabulary with novel words and expressions; understanding the anaphoric reference items that feature in clauses and sentences; making lexical, causal and pragmatic inferences so as to understand clauses and sentences; acknowledging discourse markers; building a global representation of the text; employing meta-cognition while monitoring textual comprehension; accessing the significance of the text; understanding and using the text’s structure in order to critically interpret and assess the information read.

Keywords: language, linguistic abilities, early interventions, language stimulations, speech-therapy methods, cognitive education, personalized programs

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.06
Published on line: 30/10/2020

Alvarez-Canizo, M., Suarez-Coala, P., Cuestos, F. (2015). The role of reading fluency in children’s text comprehension. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-8 doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01810 (accesat în 14.11.2019)
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Nation, K., Snowling, M.J. (1998). Semantic Processing and the Development of Word-Recognition Skils: Evidence from Children with Reading Comprehension Difficulties. Journal of Memory and Language, 39(1): 85-101.
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Dezvoltarea limbajului: procese cognitive implicate, evaluare şi intervenţii educative

Dezvoltarea limbajului: procese cognitive implicate, evaluare şi intervenţii educative

The development of language: cognitive processes involved, assessment and educative interventions

Vasile Radu PREDA

The development of language: cognitive processes involved, assessment and educative interventions. This study is an interdisciplinary approach for development of language and learning strategies, based on the constructivist theory, linguistic theory and differential pedagogy. For language development is necessary: a) a good assessment of language with psychological procedures, methods and instruments; b) early stimulations of the linguistic abilities (phonological and phonemic awareness, phonological segmentation, verbal memory) and of oral, reading and writing communication with speech-therapy methods and educative personalized programs.

Keywords:language, linguistic abilities, early interventions, language stimulations, speech-therapy methods, cognitive education, personalized programs

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.06

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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Tulburările de vorbire și tulburările de limbaj. Implicații ale craniostenozei

Tulburările de vorbire și tulburările de limbaj. Implicații ale craniostenozei

Speech disorders and language disorders. Aspects in craniostenosis.


This article provides a theoretical approach for the category of speech and language disorders, underlining the common aspects, but also the differentiating ones. The two categories are also approched, in a more detailed, specific and practical manner, by taking into consideration the craniostenosis diagnose. Thus, the main question of the second part from this article is: Does craniostenosis leads to a speech or a luanguage disorder? Under what circumstances? The answer underlines the fact that craniostenosis can involve both speech and language disorders and that individual approach can be the only solution in order to correctly delimitate things in this case.

Keywords: craniostenosis, non-syndromic craniostenosis, syndromic craniostenosis, speech, language, speech and language disordersr

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.02

Published on line: 15/03/2018

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

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Genetic Syndromes Associated with Craniosynostosis.

Strategii de dezvoltare a auzului fonematic în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Strategii de dezvoltare a auzului fonematic în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Strategies to empower phonemic hearing in the context of intellectual disability

Liana Angela MUȘUȚAN

Following the systematic observations made in the work with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, we found that their basic trait is the deficient phonemic hearing and the delay in its development. This paper aims to present some ways to stimulate and develop phonemic hearing through a mobile application. The mobile application aims to develop perception, attention, memory and hearing discrimination. This was applied to a consortium of 24 participants, of which 10 preschoolers who achieved average and inferior results were included in a three-month therapy program. Following implementation of the tablet application, the results of the preschoolers improved at all stages of the program.

Keywords: phonemic hearing, intellectual disability, mobile application, pre-school, language


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.03

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Gherguț, A. (2007). Sinteze de psihopedagogie specială. Iaşi: Editura Polirom.

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Stephenson, J., Limbrick, L., (2013). A review of the use of touch screen – mobile devices by the people with developmental disabilities, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45(12): 3777-91.

Talaș, D., A. (2013). Noi direcţii în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Aplicaţii pentru ios şi android . Cartea Albă a Psihopedagogiei Speciale. Coordonator Adrian Roșan, Departamentul de Psihopedagogie Specială.

Contrastive analysis of French and English speech sounds with educational implications in the context of visual disability. Psycholinguistic directions

Analiză contrastivă a sunetelor limbii franceze şi engleze cu implicații educaționale în contextul dizabilității vizuale.Repere psiholingvistice

Contrastive analysis of French and English speech sounds with educational implications in the context of visual disability. Psycholinguistic directions

Daniela BARTHA

In this paper we will try to make a comparative analysis concerning the sound systems of French and English language. In the first section, a short definition of language as means of communication is given and the development of foreign languages is approached. The next two sections treat some aspects of teaching foreign languages to visually impaired children, and difficulties children may have during learning. In the fourth section the main problem of the article, namely the comparative analysis between French and English sounds is brought into light with educational implications, respectively in teaching foreign languages. The aim of the last section is that of giving some conclusions about the study.

Keywords terms: language, communication, foreign languages, visual impairment, representation, attention, memoir, thinking, sounds, vowels, consonants.


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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