Tulburările specifice de învățare ale școlarului mic
The specific learning disabilities in preschool students
Silviana CHIȘU
Due to the formative character of using the applied psychological tests, by determining the cognitive level and child’s academic skills, I have ruled out the idea of non-training students with certain predispositions for specific learning disorders.
From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, such evaluation has a particular efficiency in cognitive stimulation by orienting psychological intervention to improving students’ academic skills.
Through early evaluation and intervention, I have brought to parents’ awareness and to the school environment (teachers and students’ school peers) the students’ specific learning difficulties, things that would change wrong attitudes and bad representations towards students with specific learning disorders.
Keywords: SLI,learning difficulties, early intervention
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.09
Published on line: 31/10/2018
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