Influența protocolului de intervenție chirurgicală ales în cazul despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine asupra procesului de intervenție logopedică

Influența protocolului de intervenție chirurgicală ales în cazul despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine asupra procesului de intervenție logopedică

The influence of the surgical intervention protocol chosen in the case of facio-labio-palatine clefts on the speech therapy intervention process


Labio-maxillo-palatine clefts is the most common congenital anomaly among congenital malformations of the face. The approach to clefts is done within a multidisciplinary team, in a management that starts from the pre-natal or immediately post-natal period until the adult life of the patient. The surgical protocol chosen for lip and palate reconstruction is a significant step for the upcoming speech process. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the importance of the surgical intervention protocol in the case of clefts, taking into account the speech difficulties that may occur and the therapeutic process of speech therapy intervention that can take place over a significant period of time. We highlighted this aspect through two presented case studies.

Keywords:labio-maxillo-palatine cleft, open rhinolalia, palatal fistula, speech intelligibility, speech disorder

Published on line: 03/31/2023
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Abordarea interdisciplinară a despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine

Abordarea interdisciplinară a despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine

Interdisciplinary approach to facio-labio-palatine clefts

Ioana Mădălina ORIAN

Labio-maxillo-palatine clefts represent the most common congenital anomaly of all congenital malformations of the face and they are the most frequent cause of rhinolic disorders. The complexity of the therapeutic approach is determined by nutrition and eating problems, hearing and ENT problems, dento-facial and orthodontic abnormalities, breathing disorders, phonation disorders, reduced speech intelligibility, various physiognomic disorders.
The presented case study emphasizes the need of an interdisciplinary approach to labio-maxillo-palatine clefts and follows the recovery process from a multidisciplinary perspective. The conclusions of the paper support the idea that the recovery process of the child with facio-labio-palatine cleft is a complex, long-termed one and the concern of the speech and language therapist to expand his field of activity is justified because this disorder involves pre and post surgery intervention and the therapist supports the entire process in all the mentioned areas.

Keywords: labio-maxillo-palatine cleft, open rhinolalia, orthodontic devices, speech intelligibility, speech disorder

"/pdfDOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.04

Published on line: 31/03/2021
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Reabilitarea preoperatorie sau pregatirea fizica inainte de operatie



Rinolalia deschisă în context sindromic și non-sindromic

Rinolalia deschisă în context sindromic și non-sindromic

Rhinolalia aperta in a syndromic and non-syndromic context


This article describes the results obtained in a research which study the symptomatology of open rhinolalia in syndromic and non-syndromic context.
Open rhinolalia represents a real, complex, less common problem with major implications for language development, both organic and functional, and whose diagnosis, evaluation and intervention approach is poorly known and adopted in speech therapy practice.
The approach in the research of both the specifics of non-syndromic rhinolalia and syndromic rhinolalia aims at identifying the particularities and symptoms of this speech disorder and focuses mainly on the identification of the degree of development of expressive language and the intelligibility of speech, but also on finding the level and the type of the associated voice disorder and the similarities and differences between the specificity of non-syndromic rhinolalia and syndromic rhinolalia. In the case of syndromic rhinolalia, it has been observed how optimal development and rehabilitation of language is influenced by association with Down syndrome and Pierre-Robin syndrome.

Keywords: open rhinolalia, non-syndromic rhinolalia, syndromic rhinolalia, voice disorder, speech disorder, speech intelligibility

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.07

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Therapeutic valences for spectrographic method

Valenţe corectiv compensatorii ale metodei spectografice

Therapeutic valences for spectrographic method

Alina BOCA

The speech intelligibility degree of the hearing impaired children speech varies widely, from completely incomprehensible to almost functional. Although a number of studies have documented typical speech disorders of the hearing impaired children compared with hearing children.
Most of these studies have been limited to the analysis of perceptual errors of type phonetic and phonological. In recent years of the digital technology has greatly increased the efficiency of speech acoustics study, which may provide more precise details than perceptual analysis regarding timing and frequency distribution of acoustic energy into individual segments of speech

Keywords: speech intelligibility, spectogram, voice onset time, hearing impairments

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.09

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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Speech intelligibility in the context of hearing impairments

Aspecte ale inteligibilităţii vorbirii la copiii cu dizabilități auditive

Speech intelligibility in the context of hearing impairments

Liana Angela (ROȘCA) MUŞUŢAN

Speech intelligibility of people with hearing disability, who are using a conventional or digital hearing aid or a cochlear implant, is an essential factor that interferes in the communication process with people with normal hearing. Without being understood oral language cannot be an efficient and safe way in the communication process, and in this case, the language cannot exercise its primary function of communication.
The current study aims to highlight the degree of development of speech intelligibility for students with hearing disability who are using digital hearing aids and those with cochlear implants. Recordings were made with students reading lists of words and sentences, witch played to three inexperienced listeners that had to write down (transcription) the words correctly perceived from the students reading. To establish the speech intelligibility, has been applied The Speech Intelligibility Rating Scale (SIR).
The main reason for the selection of this topic is to show that speech intelligibility of children with digital hearing aids and cochlear implant is influenced by many factors that have an impact on oral language development. Among them there are: the type of hearing aid used, the degree of hearing loss, the communication mode used, the beginning of intervention for recovery. Speech intelligibility of students with hearing disability can be improved by applying appropriate strategies and individualized recovery.

Keywords: hearing impairment, speech intelligibility, cochlear implant, hearing aids, speech and language, auditory-verbal therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.11

Published on line: 15/03/2016



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