Influența protocolului de intervenție chirurgicală ales în cazul despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine asupra procesului de intervenție logopedică

Influența protocolului de intervenție chirurgicală ales în cazul despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine asupra procesului de intervenție logopedică

The influence of the surgical intervention protocol chosen in the case of facio-labio-palatine clefts on the speech therapy intervention process


Labio-maxillo-palatine clefts is the most common congenital anomaly among congenital malformations of the face. The approach to clefts is done within a multidisciplinary team, in a management that starts from the pre-natal or immediately post-natal period until the adult life of the patient. The surgical protocol chosen for lip and palate reconstruction is a significant step for the upcoming speech process. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the importance of the surgical intervention protocol in the case of clefts, taking into account the speech difficulties that may occur and the therapeutic process of speech therapy intervention that can take place over a significant period of time. We highlighted this aspect through two presented case studies.

Keywords:labio-maxillo-palatine cleft, open rhinolalia, palatal fistula, speech intelligibility, speech disorder

Published on line: 03/31/2023
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