2020 RRTTLC –Martie, Vol VI, Nr. 1

Martie 2020, Vol.VI, Nr. 1

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1





Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Increasing communication efficiency among teachers and parents by using ClassDojo

Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Crina Maria IANCU, Renata ORBAN

This research aim is to investigate what is the impact ClassDojo of application on teachers and parents’ communication about students’ behavior and performances during school activities. 54 parents participated in this research, females (N=46) and males (N=8) and two teachers, both female, who use ClassDojo in their daily activities, on a regular basis. The research methodology was based on applying a questionnaire through the Google Forms channel in order to identify the advantages and the disadvantages parents and teachers emphasize based on the ClassDojo usage. Results proved that the usage of the application brings a lot of positive aspects during teachers-parents communication relation, making this relation more efficient and having good implications in managing pupils` behavior during primary school level.

Keywords: communication, behavior management, ClassDojo application, communicational channel, information and communication technologies

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.02

Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

The use of WIDGIT symbols in the development of communication at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN, Andrea HATHAZI

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords:communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.03

Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare printr-un program de intervenţie bazat pe LSR (Limba Semnelor Române) şi simboluri grafice

Developing the communication skills through an intervention program based on LSR (Romanian Sign Language) and graphic symbols


The aim of this study is to create and to assess the efficiency of an intervention program based on Sign language and graphic symbols. The research had a comparative design pre-post-follow-up intervention. The participants to the program were deafblind/MSI students and the data proved there were significant differences between the pre-intervention, post-intervention and follow-up stage at the sign language level and at the graphic symbols acquired by the students.

Keywords:communication skills, Sign Language, graphic symbols, deafblind/multisensorial impairement, intervention program


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.04

Utilizarea stimulării orofaciale în cazul diplegiei spastice– studiu de caz

Using orofacial stimulation in the context of spastic dyplegia- case study

Fotinica GLIGA

The aim of this paper is to present an intervention program for a child with Spastic Diplegia as a form of Cerebral Palsy. This diagnosis is associated with prematurity and low birth weight. Most of the children affected by this disease have periventricular leukoma, which means an impairment of the white matter of the brain. Frequently these children have visual and / or hearing impairment, swallowing and chewing disorders as well as communication and language disorders and 2/3 of them have intellectual delay. Expressive language in children with spastic diplegia, as in other cases of cerebral palsy, is affected by problems of breathing, resonance and the limitation of the possibility of articulation associated with poor motor control and muscle weakness. The case study present an intervention program based on orofacial stimulation (the Morales technique), considering their neuromotor impairment, together with the classic speech therapy intervention, the purpose being the development of phonoarticulation and the verbal communication. There were positive results after one year of intervention. The program has to continue with higher frequency for developing speech and communication

Keywords:spastic diplegia, cerebral palsy, orofacial stimulation, speech and language development
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.05

Dezvoltarea limbajului: procese cognitive implicate, evaluare şi intervenţii educative

The development of language: cognitive processes involved, assessment and educative interventions

Vasile Radu PREDA

The development of language: cognitive processes involved, assessment and educative interventions. This study is an interdisciplinary approach for development of language and learning strategies, based on the constructivist theory, linguistic theory and differential pedagogy. For language development is necessary: a) a good assessment of language with psychological procedures, methods and instruments; b) early stimulations of the linguistic abilities (phonological and phonemic awareness, phonological segmentation, verbal memory) and of oral, reading and writing communication with speech-therapy methods and educative personalized programs.

Keywords:language, linguistic abilities, early interventions, language stimulations, speech-therapy methods, cognitive education, personalized programs

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.06

Rolul jocului didactic în dezvoltarea autonomiei personale la elevii cu dizabilități severe

The role of didactic game in developing self-autonomy for children with severe disabilities

Minodora SÎRBU

This article presents the role of the didactic play in developing personal autonomy in students with severe disabilities. The didactic games applied to students with severe disabilities highlight the way in which the didactic game can contribute to the development of personal autonomy by developing adaptive daily life skills.

Keywords: personal autonomy, didactic play, intellectual disabilities, curative pedagogy, multiple disabilities.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.07

Strategii de dezvoltare a memoriei verbale în contextul dizabilității intelectuale ușoare

Strategies for developing verbal memory in the context of mild intellectual disability


Cognitive deficits on the level of memory are noticed in a variety of childhood disorders, directly correlated to a brain injury (a trauma or a celebrovascular accident/ stroke), or to a genetic anomaly which lend to the alteration of brain development. This paper presents the development of the verbal memory in the context of the intellectual disability, by stimulating the short-term memory, taking into account that the memory of the children with intellectual disability is impaired, compared to normal children of the same age, or of younger age. The training of verbal memory implies the involvement of students in tasks of evocation of words, verbal items or memory exercises based on language, reflecting the ability of memorizing actively some information for a short period of time, involving the three components of the short-term verbal memory: capacity, duration and coding.Training the memory involves mnemonic strategies (associations), visual strategies (drawings, graphic representations), verbal memory strategies (stories, rhymes) and metacognitive strategies (the awareness of the process). Repetition represents the most useful method for the assimilation of new information. Combining repetition strategies with story creation leads to the development of the working verbal memory and performance in the classroom task.

Keywords:lintellectual disability, memory, verbal memory, verbal memory strategies, short term memory

Elaborarea unui scale de măsurare a atitudinii cadrelor didactice față de elevii cu CES integrați în învățământul de masă

Develop a scale to establish teachers`s attitude towards childdren with special needs integrate in mainstream school

Nicoleta Raluca LUPU

Inclusion of people with disabilities is a topical issue that occupies an important place among the concerns of specialists. The attitude of community members can positively or negatively influence the process. In the process of integration of pupils with special education needs in mainstream schools an important role has the attitude of teachers. Measuring attitudes of a large group of participants to respect the principle of anonymity is difficult. The purpose of this study was to develop a instrument to measure teachers’ attitudes towards the integration of pupils with special education needs in mainstream school. Knowing the real attitude and the factors that influence this attitude will allow specialists to develop and implement programs to change attitudes, thus favoring the integration of pupils with special needs.

Keywords:special education needs, attitude, integration, scale,