2022-RRTTLC- Octombrie, Vol VIII, Nr.2

Octombrie 2022, Vol.VIII, Nr. 2

Current issue

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2




Published on line: 10/31/2022

Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare eficientă cu ajutorul robotului Ozobot Evo în contextul TSA

The development of efficient communication abilities by using OZOBOT robot in ASD context

Dorina Anca TALAȘ

This paper presents the impact of robots in education and language therapy. The first part of the paper presents the results of research in which educational robots have been used in the instructional-educational process and some reference studies in which different robots have been tested in speech and language therapy. The second part of the paper presents the Ozobot Evo robot, the OzoBlockly app, the Evo by Ozobot app and the Ozobot Classroom platform. The last part of the paper presents the results of using the Ozobot Evo robot in therapy for a first grade student diagnosed with ASD (developing effective communication skills, increasing motivation, improving task solving time and problem solving) and some examples of activities that can be organized in language therapy sessions. The findings highlight the impact of using educational robots in achieving the proposed goals in therapy.

Keywords: robots, Ozobot Evo, language and communication, apps, ASD


O propunere de adaptare pentru limba română a unei probe de fluență verbală fonematică (testul de asociere orală controlată a cuvintelor – COWAT)

A model of addapting in Romanian language of a verbal phonemic fluency test (The Controlled Oral Word Association Test -COWAT)

Ovidiu-Cristian TUDOREAN, Alois GHERGUȚ

Verbal fluency is an indicator of good cognitive functioning. The Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT) is part of the examination tools in neuropsychology. For English there are stratified standards by age and background (Tombaugh, Kozak, & Rees, 1999). The phonemic combinations used are F-A-S, C-T-L or P-R-W. These combinations are not specific to the Romanian language. This study proposes a way to identify phonemes that could be specific to the Romanian language for an adapted version of the COWAT test.

Keywords: Verbal fluency; COWAT, adaptation for Romanian language.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.03

Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

The relation between the linguistic developmental level and the resilience resources within the familial system in children with cochlear implants

Carmela Lavinia IRIMEȘ, Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU

The training of the ability to develop and use language represents a big challenge in the rehabilitation process of children with cochlear implants. Listening and the practice of hearing represents an important part of the process, while the steps in the process of language acquisition and development need to be carefully planned, in an individualized manner. The role of the parents is central in the speech therapy of young children with cochlear implants. Families experience a high degree of distress and burden, but many of them become stronger and more resilient following the process of rehabilitation of language. The current article discusses several important aspects in the rehabilitation process of young children with cochlear implants and emphasizes the role of the family involvement, as a resource for the child and the speech therapist. A single longitudinal case study is detailed, as a model of the speech therapy in the case of a child with hearing impairment, following cochlear implant. A model of collaborative approach with the family is presented and the intertwining of the child’s progress and family adjustment in the process is discussed.

Keywords: hearing impairment, cochlear implantation, speech therapy, family coping and resilience

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.04

Importanța dezvoltării comunicării și limbajului în ADHD

The importance of speech and language development in ADHD

Ioana Mădălina ORIAN, Andreea Garofița BACIU

ADHD is the most common behavioral and learning problem in children and one of the most common reasons for medical examination. The DSM-5 classifies ADHD as a neurodevelopmental disorder that appears before the age of 12 and may persist into adulthood.
Although ADHD is not accompanied by significant language delays in the use of syntax and semantics, recent studies show a notable association between ADHD and communication disorders. These disorders are present at the level of expressive language, the pragmatic component and the organization of speech. The mentioned disorders are present both in social communication and in the intrapersonal sphere (the language used for self-control).
Through the analysis of several studies, the present paper wishes to highlight the importance of speech and language development to children with ADHD, which helps both socially and in self-control.

Keywords: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, communication disorders, reading and writing disorders, speech language impairments, learning disabilities
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.05

Particularități fonologice și morfologice ale limbii semnelor – percepția participanților auzitori asupra procesului de învățare

Phonological and morphological features of sign language – hearing participants’ perceptions on the learning process

Ioana TUFAR, Ioana Letiția ȘERBAN

Based on the investigation of the phonological and morphological characteristics of Sign Language and on past research regarding students’ perception on the learning process, this paper presents the perception of 87 Romanian students on the acquisition process of the Romanian Sign Language. The study involved participants who followed and graduated a basic training course in Romanian Sign Language. Examining the resulting data, recommendations were drawn up regarding the teaching and the learning process of sign language according to the phonological, morphological, and semantical characteristics and explaining the involvement of iconicity in this process.

Keywords: sign language, phonology, morphology, semantics, iconicity

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.06

Opiniile specialiștilor privind utilizarea umorului în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj și comunicare

The use of humour in speech and language therapy – specialists’ opinions


This paper addresses an important and innovative subject for the speech language therapy settings and it is the first research study which investigates specialists’ opinions on the use of humour in the Romanian speech and language therapy domain. The design of the study implies the development of a new questionnaire created during the research. Data were collected through this survey in an on-line format and thematic analysis method for data analysis was performed. In this research participants were SLTs (N=210) who work in different urban and rural areas in Romania. The research results highlight the presence of humour in SLTs settings and the interest in this field among specialists, suggesting that humour has notable implications in SLT’s domain. Access to humour for people with language impairment is dependent on: age; level of language development; specificity of language impairment; type of humour used. The main difficulties in understanding and using humour for children with language disorders are related to: understanding abstract linguistic concepts; vocabulary limits and constraints; poor executive functions; understanding social rules; accepting another person’s perspective. Humour can be incorporated into speech and language therapy activities in a variety of ways and used at different stages of the speech and language therapy approach.

Keywords: humour, SLT, sense of humour, use of humour


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.07

Aphasia in multilingual context-a psycholingusitic approach

Mălina ȘOGOR

To begin with, the first sign depicted on people with aphasia is a language disorder, acquired after a damage to the central nervous. The existing studies in this area explain the roots of aphasia throughout a medical and phonological perspective, while the psycholinguistic approach is considerably more narrowed.
Taking into consideration the increasing number of people who are speaking more than one language and who are at risk of developing a medical condition that can lead to aphasia and other associated communication deficiencies, it is critical for speech-language pathologists to assess the situation from different angles, particularly to incorporate medical, linguistic and psycholinguistic viewpoints.
The aim of this article is emphasizing the main approaches which are being addressed in explanation of language production and understanding how bilingual persons are affected by aphasia, whereas a complex and multilingual approach is crucial to be taken into consideration during the intervention.

Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches


Consiliere și educație parentală pentru familiile copiilor cu dizabilități

Parent counselling and parental education for families with disabled children


Parent counselling and parental education for families with disabled children. Generally, parental counseling and parental education is meant to develop parents’ potential to apply education methods in a personalized fashion in order to foster the social adaptation of children with disabilities as well as their school adaptation. For instance, as part of parental counselling, the speech-therapist is attentive for elaborate and propose on interactive guidance and on intervention techniques that allow them to observe parent-child interaction in various contexts where verbal communication is stimulated. Through such guidance, it is hoped that parents will develop their corrective-formative educational competences. Many researchers advocate for the establishment of the interactive guidance and the personalized programs for parental counselling and parental education, based on the “integrative ecological approach”.
Keywords: parental counselling, parental education, interactive guidance, integrative ecological approach


Apraxia și tulburarea de spectru autist-TSA

Apraxia and autism spectrum disorder ASD


This article, Apraxia and autism spectrum disorder focuses on detailing apraxia symptomatology with the main elements of this pathology. In the first part of the article terminology is approached, distinguishing between apraxia and dyspraxia. In the second part of the article the main symptomatology apraxia features are discussed and afterward they are put in relation with the ASD. In order to be able to identify the best way to approach apraxia in ASD context three research questions are raised: In what degree does the combination between ASD and apraxia slow down speech and language development? Which are the most frequent speech and language difficulties and causes which lead to the association of ASD with apraxia? Which are the most efficient intervention programs in the context of ASD associated with apraxia? To these three research questions answers are found by a deep and thorough theoretical investigation of the main studies and research in this field, results being discussed from the point of view of the way speech and language therapy field in Romania can approach apraxia in ASD contex.
Keywords: apraxia, dyspraxia, ASD, motor speech disorders, phonological disorders


Particularități ale integrărilor și procesărilor senzoriale în Tulburarea de spectru autist TSA

Features of sensorial processing and integration in ASD

Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU, Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Tania TUȘE

In recent years, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders ASD has increased alarmingly, currently affecting 1 in 44 children according with CDC. The difficulties that people with ASD face are diverse, but sensory integration and processing problems are present in different ASD situations or settings. This study aims to reflect what are the sensory integration sensitivities reported by people with ASD and related to the age, the standard of living of the people, the gender of the participants, etc. A better understanding of the difficulties these individuals have may bring long-term functionality and impacts clinical and educational settings.
Keywords: ASD, Sensorial integration, sensorial processing, hypersensitivity, sensorial deficits
