Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare
Volum integral
Doi: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2
Tulburarea de comunicare socială (pragmatică) – (TCSP). Studiu ilustrând percepția specialiștilor în terapia limbajului din România.
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder. A study investigating the perception of the Romanian speech and language therapists
Keywords: social communication, pragmatics, social communication (pragmatic) disorders
Achiziția simultană timpurie a două limbi
Bilingual simultaneous two language acquisition
Keywords: psyholinguistics of bilingualism, simultaneous bilingual acquisition, early bilingual acquisition, code-mixing, linguistic mode, inter-linguistic influence, linguistic dominance
Direcții de abordare a abilităților instrumentale la școlarul mic cu dizabilități intelectuale – studiu de caz
Direction for approaching instrumental abilities for kindergarten students with intellectuals disabilities – case study
The paper will also present some evaluation and intervention methods for children with intellectual disabilities and instrumental function disorders for better inclusion in school and in the society; the methodology of this investigation is presented in a case-study.
Keywords: intellectual disabilities, school age children, instrumental functions, instrumental skill deficits
Utilizarea CIF-C în evaluarea și proiectarea intervențiilor specifice sindromului down. Studiu de caz
Using ICF-CY in assessing and projecting therapy for children with Down syndrome. Case study
ICF-CY gives specialists the opportunities to work toghether not only to provide separated intervention with the child, but also to work in partnership with the child`s family, peers, school and society.
Keywords: ICF, ICF CY, Down syndrome, Rehab-Cycle, rehabilitation management
Dezvoltarea abilităţilor psihomotorii la elevii de vârstă școlară mică cu dizabilităţi intelectuale integraţi în învăţământul de masă
The development of the psychomotor abilities of the children with intellectual disabilities attending mainstream school
Maria Cosmina CUCERZAN
This article establishes in the first part the theoretical framework for the second part which presents the practical aprroach focused on psychomotor abilities in children with intellectual disabilities. The main psychomotor abilities, the basic concepts- body scheme, lateralisation, perception of time and space were assessed in order to be able to establish the future therapeutical coordinates of the intervention plan. The assesment procedure, as practical aspect was reinforced by the set of practical exercices throgh which the aim was that to ensure enriching children with new abilities. A case study was presented in order to particularize both the assessment procedure, as well as the intervention approach, so that this case study can be considered an example of a model of good practices in the field of intellectual disabilities.
Key words: psychomotor, personalized intervention, intellectual disabilities, perceptual-motor structures, school integration.
Terapia logopedică a rinolaliei deschise
Speech and language therapy in open rhinolalia context
Mirela BUTTA
In the case of the functional open rhinolalia, it is recommended the speech and language therapy to ensure the development of a correct articulator basis.
The speech therapy exercises are aiming especially the mobility of the velum and the coordination of the phonoarticulatory organs (for the mobility of the velum there are recommended exercises of blowing into different objects because the air under pressure is acting as a good massage for the velum; exercises done by blocking one nostril and trying to breathe; exercises of frequent deglutition of slight quantities of liquids).
The next stage of the therapy will be based on differentiating between the oral and the nasal breathing, on increasing the respiratory volume and precision and on prolonging the time of breathing out in verbal production.
After gaining control over the phonoarticulatory organs and the velum, phonetic exercises need to be implemented. It is important to put a great emphasis on the special gymnastics of each organ and on exercises of oral conduction of the respiratory wave. The sound producing must be obtained by using games and play therapy background.
Keywords: open rhinolalia, voice dysfunction, speech and language therapy, nasality, hipernasality
Etiologia şi caracteristicile tulburărilor specifice de limbaj
The etiology and the symptomatology of the specific speech and language disorders
Key words: specific language impairments, speech and language disorders, phonological disorders
Metode de dezvoltare a abilităţilor de scris-citit la copiii cu deficit de atenţie şi hiperactivitate
Methods to develop reading-writing skills in children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
Irina GANĂ
The negative implication of attention deficit and hyperactivity on children is reported since the early ages but they expenad during the school age period, when the parent faces child`s difficulty to adjust his behavior in the educational setting. Thus, children facing ADHD also face reading and writing difficulties.
In order to prevent reading and writing disorders for 10 children diagnosed with AHDH we compared the efficacity of two different intervention programs. Results demonstrated that the intervention program which combined different approaches from the speech and language therapy area (Meixnar and Sindelar approaches), in comparison with the intervention program based on the phonetic-analitic-syinthetic method ensured a higher and more stable level of reading and writing skills for children with ADHD. These results bring into light the need to adjust and find more flexible ways in order to approach children with ADHD and also the fact that the implamentation of prevention programs for reading and writing disorders is a necesity in ADHD context.
Keywords: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-ADHD, reading and writing disorders, prevention, complementary methods.
Particularităţi ale procesării auditive în contextul tulburărilor din spectrul autist
Hearing processing features in autism spectrum disorders
Diana Loredana PINKO
The assessment revealed that children with ASD, have a very fine hearing and they do not have problems with pronunciation of sounds at the level of words. Therefore it is clear that hyposensitivity or hypersensitivity to auditory stimuli is not caused by hearing problems, but that there are some irregularities in the processing of stimuli in the brain, in children with ASD. This means that these children hear but cannot gather certain information from the environment in a global way.
The child has difficulties in adapting to the environment he lives; his nervous system is in a state of imbalance. The brain fails to manage environmental information and does not know where to integrate them so the child could no longer cope with. Because of this the child may have a different reaction to auditory stimuli and behaviours they are engaged include: impulsiveness, stereotypes, inappropriate behaviours.
These behaviours are used by the child to try to reduce hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity, as a way of trying to cope with the environmental world, which he does not understand it.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, auditory processing, auditory processing disorder, hyposensitivity, hypersensitivity.
Particularități ale intervenției logopedice în contextul tulburărilor de deglutiție la copiii cu paralizie cerebrală
The specific speech and language therapy approach focused on swallowing skills in children with cerebral palsy
Keywords: cerebral palsy, speech therapy, swallowing disorders, postural strategy, sensoriomotor therapy
Tulburarea de Comunicare Socială (Pragmatică)- Erasmus+ Framework
Social Communication Pragmatic Disorder- Erasmus+ Framework
Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU
Keywords: SPCS – Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder, Story Map Technique, Eye Control Technology, Erasmus+ Framework.