2020 RRTTLC –Octombrie, Vol VI, Nr. 2

Octombrie 2020, Vol.VI, Nr. 2

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2





Efectele jocului educațional asupra dezvoltării cognitive și non-cognitive la elevii cu nevoi speciale din școlile incluzive

“The effects of the game on the cognitive and non-cognitive development in students with special educational needs in inclusive schools

Nicoleta Raluca LUPU


The aim of this study, “The effects of the game on the cognitive and non-cognitive development in students with special educational needs in inclusive schools” is to present a model of good practice that will favour the inclusion of the students with special educational needs.
Starting from this aim, the following assumptions are formulated: 1) The students with special educational needs in inclusive classes who will participate in the training through games will achieve significantly better results in the recovery process than those who will not participate in the training through game, 2) The students with special educational needs in inclusive classes who will participate in the computer-based training will have significantly better results in the recovery process compared to the students who will participate in the training through classic game.
The non-parametric test „Mann-Whitney” for independent samples shows that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the post-test phase (p <.05) for most development areas tested: communication and vocabulary, reading, writing, grammar, spatial orientation, temporal orientation, cognitive behaviour, image memory, pre-numbering, addition, subtraction, behaviour. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups (p>.05) in the following areas of development: motor development, body schema, graphics rendering, color, shape, numerical memory, numbering.
The non-parametric test for Mann-Whitney independent samples shows that there are no significant differences between the classic game and computer games (p>.05), both of them bringing benefits in the recovery process of the students with special educational needs. An explanation might be the permanent presence of the computer in children’s lives, which makes them lose interest in this method.

Keywords: special educational needs, game, inclusion

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.02

Bateria PROLEC- Instrument de Screening a Dislexiei

“Bateria PROLEC- Instrument de Screening a Dislexiei

Raluca Mariana POPA

This research aims to adapt PROLEC instrument depending on the particular target population and development of the Romanian language, through a pilot study of 60 participants, aged between seven and ten years. The purpose of this tool is to develop dyslexia screening test. Thus, this research were built and adapted to the particular instrument subscales Romanian language and analyzed the internal consistency of the instrument as a whole and for each individual subscale.

Keywords: dyslexia, screening, PROLEC evaluation, reading, non-words, comprehension

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.03

Aplicații ale mobilizării orofaciale în contextul sindromului Down

Oro-motor therapy- practical aspects in Down syndrome context

Mădălina VAIDA

The current study proposes an intervention of oral-motor techniques, targeting peripheral stimulation with central-level effects, where synaptic densification is expected to allow a more coordinated motor response, with positive outcomes on the speech intelligibility. The intervention techniques belong to quite different fields: myofunctional techniques (posture determination, isotonic exercises for the oral musculature), oro-facial massage according to the C. Morales method, passive stimulation with a vibrating instrument (z-vibe) and repetitions of diadokokinetics. An ABA (single-subject experiment) experimental design was created and implemented. The output evaluation was based on verbal material, structured from simple to complex (syllables, words, narrative structures) and presented either exclusively by auditory way or by auditory and visual ways.

Keywords: inteligibility, oro-motor techniques, Down syndrome, speech therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.04

Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Developing communication abilities in children with intellectual disabilities

Ioana Delia ȚÎRLEA, Simona Rodica ABRUDAN

This article presents the importance of the constant use of a programme based on the reading of images in the activities of language therapy for the development of communication skills in students with intellectual disabilities.
The first part of the paper presents the particularities of the students with intellectual disability, respectively the particularities of the language and the communication, as well as implications in the educational process. The second part illustrates the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the implementation of the reading program after images in the activities of speech disorder therapy. The objectives, hypothesis and expected results are described.
The design of the study is based on the final results with the initial outcomes after the intervention programe was applied. The data obtained show that the activities determines positive effects in the development of communication skills, the use of a richer vocabulary, the more complex expression.

Keywords: communication skills, intellectual disabilities, verbal communication, special education, speech therapy, reading imagine
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.05

Învățarea explicită bazată pe metode didactice interactive utilizate pentru înțelegerea lecturi

Explicit learning based on interactive pedagogical methods used for reading comprehension


Explicit learning based on interactive pedagogical methods used for reading comprehension.
When choosing the pedagogical strategies meant to foster the formation and the development of reading comprehension skills it is essential to detect the roots and the specifics of dysfunctions in the cognitive processes and competences that might affect reading comprehension. The personalized and systematic use of interactive pedagogical methods has a positive impact on: enriching the pupils’ vocabulary with novel words and expressions; understanding the anaphoric reference items that feature in clauses and sentences; making lexical, causal and pragmatic inferences so as to understand clauses and sentences; acknowledging discourse markers; building a global representation of the text; employing meta-cognition while monitoring textual comprehension; accessing the significance of the text; understanding and using the text’s structure in order to critically interpret and assess the information read.

Keywords: language, linguistic abilities, early interventions, language stimulations, speech-therapy methods, cognitive education, personalized programs

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.06

Interpretarea în limba semnelor în context educațional – o perspectivă teoretică și practică

Sign language interpreting in the educational context-a theoretical and pragmatic perspective


Taking into consideration that the Sign Language interpreting field is a vivid and useful one, the present paper tries to draw the profile of the educational interpreter starting with a theoretical frame and continuing with pragmatic issues. The study undertaken involved 30 Sign Language interpreters from Great Britain and Romania and the analyzed data provided information on qualifications needed to assure the quality of interpretation, challenges that can appear on the way of interpreting, the role of the professional development programs, the importance of the code of ethics and some practical advices were included.

Keywords: Sign Language, educational interpreter, code of ethics, Deaf students, RSL, BSL


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.07

Vocea în contextul gravidității

Voice in pregnancy context


This paper wants to briefly review the available research on voice changes during pregnancy, to point out reasons why these changes could be subscribed to a voice disorder pathology and the need for these patients to be taken in charge with a suitable therapeutic approach. The available research literature looks mainly into identifying and exposing evidence of symptoms and signs against the presence of voice disorder in pregnant women and focuses poorly on proposing a therapeutic approach for the identified voice disorder within the context of pregnancy. This period of altered physiology and anatomic changes within the body of a pregnant woman is limited and transitory, most of times with no permanent visible impact on voice. However, pregnant women may benefit of not only being informed and aware about this disorder, but also counseling or therapy with the purpose of managing their voice in an optimal way, so that they avoid possible permanent phonotrauma.

Keywords: pregnancy – speaking voice – evaluation – therapeutic intervention – phonotrauma

Nazalitate vs. nazalizare-de la evaluarea subiectivă, la evaluarea obiectivizată

Nasality and nasalance-from the subjective to an objective assessment


Nasalance is an important concept in the field of resonance speech disorders as opposed to nasality. It ensures the objective measurements of the nasal production, aspect that reduces the value of nasality, for sure an older concept than nasalance. This article underlines especially the fact that both nasalance and nasality are two dimensions of the same reality, the assessment of resonances and that both of them are in the same time important and useful in order to establish a correct diagnosis and to prepare the suitable therapeutic program. The dispute nasalance and nasality is solved based on concrete application by using the nasometer and scales for measuring nasality. Conclusions support the idea that nasalance and nasality are two facets of the complex assessment in case of nasal resonance.

Keywords: nasalance, nasality, nasometer, voice disorders, functional voice

Tulburarea de dezvoltare a coordonării – de la terminologie la diagnostic și intervenție. Implicații logopedice.

Developmental coordination disorder DCD – terminology, diagnosis and intervention. The implication for speech therapy.

Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

Developmental coordination disorder DCD is a specific set of impairments corelated with gross and fine motor disfunction, poor motor planning and impaired sensor integration. The term is use wildly for this condition, based on the proposed term made by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), but others terms such as dyspraxia, specific motor dysfunction, specific coordination motor disfunction (ICD – 10) are used and preferred in the same time. The article displays the multiple terms used in the literature connected with the DCD, the criteria for diagnosis, the implication for education and target specific intervention in case of DCD.

Keywords: developmental coordination disorder, dyspraxia, motor disorder, CAS