Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU
Depression represents a mental health problem and a real concern in the actual pandemic context. As a state or a trait, depression is also common in persons with special needs. The person diagnosed with depression is unable to concentrate, to sustained attention and to retrieve information. Speed is also impaired. Those particularities impact on language and communication for persons with depression. There is a link between poor verbal interaction and ideas flow. Depressive persons use less words in communication and avoid the use of verbal language. In major depressive disorder, the most frequent depressive disorder, affecting 10-25% of women and 5-12% of men, verbal fluency is impaired. Words repetitions are frequent. This is an indicator for impaired working memory. Concentration is also affected, verbal-idea dezorganization and unstructerd sentences are present. Adjectives and negative semantic words are used. Depressive persons prefer more past tense then present tense and future tense is almost absent. They use the ”I” more than persons without depression or in remissions.
Language display by depressive persons could be a valid indicator for early and differential diagnosis. This study is a narrative one focus on highlight the language displayed by person with depressive disorder as a refection of specific cognitive, affective ad perceptual changes.
Keywords: depressive disorder, verbal fluency, cognitive impairments, psycholinguistic markers.
Published on line: 03/31/2022
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