Tulburările de vorbire și tulburările de limbaj. Implicații ale craniostenozei

Tulburările de vorbire și tulburările de limbaj. Implicații ale craniostenozei

Speech disorders and language disorders. Aspects in craniostenosis.


This article provides a theoretical approach for the category of speech and language disorders, underlining the common aspects, but also the differentiating ones. The two categories are also approched, in a more detailed, specific and practical manner, by taking into consideration the craniostenosis diagnose. Thus, the main question of the second part from this article is: Does craniostenosis leads to a speech or a luanguage disorder? Under what circumstances? The answer underlines the fact that craniostenosis can involve both speech and language disorders and that individual approach can be the only solution in order to correctly delimitate things in this case.

Keywords: craniostenosis, non-syndromic craniostenosis, syndromic craniostenosis, speech, language, speech and language disordersr

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.02

Published on line: 15/03/2018

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Alfabetul dactil și influența dactilării asupra abilităților de citire a copiilor cu dizabilități auditive

Alfabetul dactil și influența dactilării asupra abilităților de citire a copiilor cu dizabilități auditive

Finger spelling and its influence upon reading skills in the context of hearing disability


This paper assess fingerspelling as a part of Sign Language communication of Deaf persons and the alternative to be a way of increasing reading skills of Deaf children. A short history review is provided together with theories and models that are addressing fingerspelling. It will be underlined that fingerspelling positively correlates with strong reading skills. Strategies and an intervention program for developing fingerspelling skills will be recomended in the last part of this paper.

Keywords: fingerspelling, reading skills, phonological awareness, hearing impairment

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților de comprehensiune verbală în contextul dizabilităților intelectuale la vârsta adolescenței

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților de comprehensiune verbală în contextul dizabilităților intelectuale la vârsta adolescenței

Features in the development of verbal comprehension in the context of intellectual disabilities in adolescent age

Nicoleta Elena COVACI

The research ”Particularities of the development of verbal comprehension skills in the context of intellectual disabilities at the age of adolescence” examines the level of linguistic skills in intellectually disabled 16 year old students who attend a form of special education. The testing of these students is difficult because the tests that can be employed to this kind of sample are scarce. The same situation is presented in the case of language therapy where most of the materials are applicable to a much younger age group.
In the introduction we have synthesized the main theories regarding language, and the importance of lsngusgr as a means of communication and also as a means of main psychological processes.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, verbal comprehension, language skills, functional communication, language and communication disorders
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.04

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Impactul gesturilor simbolice asupra achiziției simultane a două limbi

Impactul gesturilor simbolice asupra achiziției simultane a două limbi

The impact of symbolic sign language on bilingual simultaneous language acquisition


Driven by the desire to communicate with their children way before the onset of the verbal language stage, parents from socially and culturally different backgrounds have resorted to the use of the infant sign-language programs. Such programs, used for typically developed children in the absence of an auditory deficit, have fluorished in the later years in The United States, being endorsed by early childhood education researchers, as well as certain government institutions interested in promoting active methods of language development.
Based on these considerations, along with personal empirical results, the present study’s main goal was the research of the impact of symbolic gestures on the simultaneous bilingual language acquisition for a group of children from the middle class population in The United States of America, highlighting the importance of considering children’s linguistic developmental trajectories on a developmental continuum, marked by periods of accelerated language acquisition, as well as periods of latency.

Keywords: bilingvism, Baby Signs®, simultaneous bilingual language acquisition, symbolic gestures, infant sign language, language ominance, communication strategies in the bilingual families
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.05

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Intervenția logopedică în reabilitarea tulburărilor de deglutiție a pacienților cu paralizie cerebrală infantilă

Intervenția logopedică în reabilitarea tulburărilor de deglutiție a pacienților cu paralizie cerebrală infantilă

Speech Therapy in Deglutition rehabilitation process in infants with cerebral palsy


Infantile cerebral palsy is a motor disability that occurs in 3.6 ‰ births, being one of the most common neurological disorders associated with swallowing disorders.
Worldwide, intervention on cerebral palsy and swallowing disorders in children is done by speech therapists. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) emphasizes that childhood swallowing disorders presents some particular aspects, both in terms of diagnosis but also rehabilitation intervention.
This paper is a study that focuses on the practical utility and represents a response to the practical problems of school children with swallowing disorder. Cerebral palsy associated with swallowing disorder shouldn’t be a reason for excluding a child from the education system.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, speech therapy, swallowing disorders, postural strategy, sensoriomotor therapy
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.06

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Stima de sine la preadolescenţii cu tulburări de pronunție

Stima de sine la preadolescenţii cu tulburări de pronunție

Self- esteem in preadolescence with pronunciation disorders


The purpose of this study is to determine whether dyslalic language disorders may adversely affect the self-esteem of the pre-adolescent with standard intellectual development, in comparison to their peers with a typical development of language and intellect. An instrument designed to measure the level of the self-esteem, at the level of five subdivisions: the emotional self – ES, the social self – the SS, the physical self – the PS, the school self – SS, the prospective self – PS, was applied to a number of 18 students aged 13-14. As a result of the statistical data processing it is revealed that the pre-adolescents without speech disorder obtain higher and more constant scores in all five dimensions measured by the TOULOUSE – PIERON self – esteem inventory, while the students with speech disorders, although in terms of the results, present fluctuations at both batch and individual levels.
In conclusion, the presence of the dyslalic speech disorders may affect the individual’s self-esteem and may influence the development of their entire psychic life in the future as well as their range of action in the society.

Keywords: language disorders, dyslalia, self-esteem, pre-adolescent
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.07

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Dezvoltarea abilităților lexico – semantice în contextul dificultăților de învățare

Dezvoltarea abilităților lexico – semantice în contextul dificultăților de învățare

Developing lexical-semantic abilities in the context of learning disabilities


This article presents different concepts and theories related to learning difficulties, dyslexia, reading fluency and reading comprehension. It also presents the results obtained by applying the PEAFC and the Crichton Scale. The initial assessment was made in December 2016, and the second one in May 2017. The two assessments let us emphasize the specificity of the difficulties encountered in reading fluency and in reading comprehension.

Keywords: : reading fluency, reading comprehension, learning difficulties, lexical-sematic difficulties, Crichton Scale, PEAFC(Probe for Assessing and Training Reading Fluency)
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.08

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Aplicaţii ale teoriilor psihopedagogice validate ştiinţific pentru activizarea potenţialului cognitiv al elevilor

Aplicaţii ale teoriilor psihopedagogice validate ştiinţific pentru activizarea potenţialului cognitiv al elevilor

Applications of the evidence based psychopedagogical theories for activating students` cognitive abilities

Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA1

The applications of the psycho-pedagogical theory, scientific validated, for development of cognitive potential of the pupils
The present study, in the first part offers one synthesis of psycho-pedagogical eheory – scientific validates – elaborated by Vygotski, Feuerstein, Bruner and Audy. In experimental part, the study offers an analysis of the psychological, pedagogical and didactics approaches and methods utilizing for development of authentic cognitive potential of the pupils.
From a scientific point of view, at the root of the theoretical and pragmatic approach to educational processes meant to foster integration lies the undeniable truth that instructional systems and practices must activate the genuine psychological potential of each and every child.
Educational reforms in inclusive education, when based on teamwork, require the employment of a social-constructivist and psycho-pedagogical theory and framework combined with the presence of highly-specialised practitioners.

Keywords: psycho-pedagogical theory, cognitive potential, instructional systems, educational processes, didactics approaches, inclusive schools.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.09

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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