2021 RRTTLC – Martie, Vol VII, Nr. 1

Martie 2021, Vol.VII, Nr. 1

Current issue

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1





Auto-compasiunea și auto-eficacitateaca – resurse personale în cazul terapeuților

Self-compassion and self-efficacity as personal resources for therapists

Raluca TRIFU, Bogdana MICLEA, Dana HERȚA, Smaranda PUȘCAȘU, Carolina BODEA HATEGAN, Horia COMAN

One of the special human qualities is the compassion shown towards our fellow, in special situations, people who live certain states determined by the moments of life they go through.
Self-compassion refers to the ability to show compassion, understanding and protection to oneself. It is operationalized by researcher Kristin Neff. Self-efficacy, proposed by Albert Bandura, refers to the perception of self and is related to the belief in one’s own abilities, in one’s own ability to solve situations.
The interest of the study aims the relationship between self-compassion and self-efficacy in the case of a distinct category, that of therapists, professionally faced with situations that require personal resources.
Methods: The level of self-compassion was assessed with the Self-Compassion Scale, 26 items, proposed by Kristin Neff. The level of self-efficacy was assessed using the New General Self-Efficacy Scale, the 8-item scale proposed by Gilad Chen & co (2001). Both questionnaires were distributed electronically. The data obtained were statistically analyzed and interpreted.
Results: In the professional categories investigated, there are underline links and relations between the two constructs, with professional implications. The results show (1) Therapists have high values in assessing self-efficacy; (2) Therapists have high values of self-compassion; (3) Therapists have a high level of self-compassion and a low level of self-criticism as indicated by the self-compassion sub-scales; (4) There is a direct relationship between self-efficacy and self-compassion; (5) Therapists with high level of self-compassion also have a high level of self-efficacy (6) The level of self-efficacy is influenced by age and professional experience. (7) The level of self-compassion is influenced by age and professional experience
Conclusion: The two concepts discussed are important in relation to certain professional categories and under the auspices of situations considered stressful and with emotional burden.

Keywords: self compassion, self efficacy, personal resources, therapist resources, Self-Compassion Scale

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.02

Impactul managementului disfagiei asupra calității vieții persoanelor cu accident vascular cerebral

The impact of Dysphagia on life quality in persons with cerebrovascular accident.

Raluca Mariana POPA

The objective of the following research is the investigation of the impact that management of dysphagia has upon quality of life in persons with neurological pathology of vascular cerebreal attack type. The group of participants in this study has 6 members with ages between 34 and 69, all suffering from a neurological pathology of VCA type or cranio-cerebreal trauma with direct implications on the swallowing process. This paper used case study methode as experimental design, the goal being to detect the impact that speach therapy has on the dysphagia, in the context of safety and quality of life. A series of instruments regarding clinical evaluation of dysphagia and quality of life in the context of VCA and dysphagia where been translated and adapted in the fallowing research.

Keywords: dysphagia, life quality, celebral stroke, speech language therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.03

Abordarea interdisciplinară a despicăturilor facio-labio-palatine

Interdisciplinary approach to facio-labio-palatine clefts

Ioana Mădălina ORIAN

Labio-maxillo-palatine clefts represent the most common congenital anomaly of all congenital malformations of the face and they are the most frequent cause of rhinolic disorders. The complexity of the therapeutic approach is determined by nutrition and eating problems, hearing and ENT problems, dento-facial and orthodontic abnormalities, breathing disorders, phonation disorders, reduced speech intelligibility, various physiognomic disorders.
The presented case study emphasizes the need of an interdisciplinary approach to labio-maxillo-palatine clefts and follows the recovery process from a multidisciplinary perspective. The conclusions of the paper support the idea that the recovery process of the child with facio-labio-palatine cleft is a complex, long-termed one and the concern of the speech and language therapist to expand his field of activity is justified because this disorder involves pre and post surgery intervention and the therapist supports the entire process in all the mentioned areas.
Keywords: labio-maxillo-palatine cleft, open rhinolalia, orthodontic devices, speech intelligibility, speech disorder

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.04

Studiu privind activitățile de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj în grădinițe

Investigative study regarding the prevention activities related with speech and language disorders in kindergartens

Simona Bianca ROȘCA

The present research starts from the idea of preventing language disorders from an early age, given the results of previous research on the effectiveness of early interventions.
Following a preliminary documentation that consisted in the study of Romanian legislation, specialized literature, speech therapy aids, speech therapy software, sites with medical profile and special pedagogy, it was found an insufficient approach to prevention and we wanted to investigate what activities speech therapy teachers consider to be included in the concept of prevention. We also sought to find out to what extent speech therapists take into account the prevention part and what activities they carry out for this purpose. The results were limited and we see them from at least two perspectives: the small group of participants that led to limited data and the absence or quasi-absence of prevention in speech therapy, this being too little described in the literature and outlined as a methodology in school documents. The most common options chosen by language therapists for prevention were to carry out speech therapy activities in prevention groups under the age of 5 and to carry out information activities for educators and parents and only then screening activities

Keywords: communication skills, intellectual disabilities, verbal communication, special education, speech therapy, reading imagine
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.05

Diminuarea dificultāṭilor de predare-învāțare în sistemul on-line

Towards reducing the difficulties encountered in on-line teaching and learning


The COVID-19 pandemic that resulted in a shift towards on-line teaching and learning resulted in countless difficulties concerning the access to efficient education, especially in the case of children from families with a lesser-endowed socio-economic and cultural background, or children with learning problems, with ADHD or various disabilities (visual or healing impairment, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, etc.). Moreover, even pupils who actually have technical access to the new teaching-learning system run the risk of losing their motivation for learning.
The efficient activity of and the results obtained by many teachers whose approach has been successful have shown the efficiency of integrated curricula whose teaching tasks are structured in learning sequences and whose testing patterns are personalized. By putting into practice, the principle of cognitive motivation development through an interactive process of teaching and learning that relies on structured learning sequences and employs personalized assessment techniques, reaching formative pedagogical objectives becomes possible even in the on-line teaching-learning system.

Keywords: online teaching system, online learning, motivation for learning, interactive process, structured learning sequences, personalised assessment

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.06

Rolul implicării parentale în procesul de intervenție logopedică

Parental Involvement in speech and language therapy intervention


This research aims to extend and adapt the therapy techniques, specific to the speak and language disorders domain, for their use in the child’s family environment. The main subjects of the research are the parents of the children diagnosed with speaking problems.
By encouraging the parent’s active participation within the logopedic therapy, it is intended to teach them, so that they could continue the therapy in the child’s every day life.
Moreover, the therapeutic collaboration between the speech therapist, the child and the parents allow to valorise the observations made by the parents related to the child environment and every day life, completing the information obtained by the therapist during the complex evaluation of the child. Using this exhaustive information, the therapist is able to propose an intervention program that is personalised to the child’s needs.
Furthermore, in the context of the recent changing of the work paradigm, when the therapy sessions are conducted in the format of teletherapy, the collaboration and the support offered by the therapist to the parents is essential for the success of the intervention program.

Keywords: language delays, telepractice, therapeutic teem, speech and language theraphy


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.07

Autism, schizofrenie, ADHD. Perspective convergente

Autism, schizophrenia, ADHD. convergent approaches

Bogdana MICLEA

Over time, continuous efforts have been made to clarify and circumscribe diagnoses of autism, schizophrenia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The diagnostic split between the 3 disorders dominated psychiatry after the 80s, being still used and recognized as such by the diagnostic manuals. Recently a shift and flexibility of the psychiatric paradigm has been noticed. The categorical perspective on mental illness is gradually complemented by the dimensional one. In the last decade, research in the field of neuroscience and psychology has brought evidence in favor of a partial overlap between ADHD, autism and schizophrenia. The hypothesis of a partial overlap can also be supported by non-medical or psychological theorizations, related to common deficits of symbolic structuring of the psyche in achieving a coherent representation of the world and of one’s own person.

Keywords: autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, diagnosis, partial overlap

Preachiziții în învățarea scris-cititului la copiii cu tulburări de invățare

Basic concepts related with reading and writing development in children with learning disabilities


The first step in combating speech and language disorders, is checking if specific language development steps from infancy and toddlerhood have been done. Students from families with financial difficulties, that lack early childhood cognitive development, tend to be less skilled in reading or writing.
To avoid school dropout, we focused on identifying these issues when a child starts school and apply a ten week program.
This program has two components, one for teachers and the other for students. The main goal is to identify if certain early development milestones have been met, memory and atention development and phonology conscience. The program has proved it’s eficacity even during the corona virus pandemic

Keywords: learning disabilities, early intervention, reading and writing

Evaluare și intervenție logopedică în contextul întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului

Assessment and therapy in speech and language delay

Florentina Mihaela MOȘNEAG

According to the literature, we are talking about a language delay when the child fails to reach the level of language evolution, compared to his chronological age. In fact, we know that language development is closely linked to cognitive development. Therefore, the structure of language is influenced by the degree of cognitive development. Knowing that the language delay may exists as a secondary pathology in most intellectual disabilities and can be recognized by the poverty of vocabulary, the inability to express themselves correctly in sentences or phrases, being reached phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects, I wanted to surprise in this study the features of language development in young children oriented towards our school by proposing a complex, multidimensional approach to early assessment of language skills and capturing the effect of a multidimensional intervention program that will ultimately lead to the configuration of functional communication skills. Children included in this study are enrolled in the kindergarten group or in the preparatory class, aged between 4 and 8 years. These children are also diagnosed with mild or moderate intellectual disability.
The program took place in two stages. In the first stage, a multidimensional evaluation was performed, on all sides of the language by applying tests, scales or evaluation tests. The results obtained by the children were interpreted and presented at the level of some case studies. In the second stage, we proposed an intervention program that aims to enrich and activate vocabulary, by applying the „50 word-list technique- T⁵⁰”, training phonetic and phonological skills, those related to structural semantics and lexical semantics and shaping morphological skills, which will lead to the configuration of a functional communication skill related to chronological and mental age.

Keywords: language delay, communication skills, early assessment of language skills, multidimensional intervention program.

Resursele materiale și virtuale utilizate în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Studiu descriptiv bazat pe focus-grup

Material and virtual resources used in speech and language therapy-a focus-group research

Carolina BODEA HAȚEGAN, Dorina TALAȘ, Raluca TRIFU

This article describes a research study developed during the webinar organized in order to celebrate 6 th of March as European Day of Speech & Language Therapy. In this research participated Romanian SLTSs (N=150). The research was based on the following objectives: to identify the typology of the present used resources in the Romanian SLT field; to implement the Padlet as a tool for collecting and sharing data and to identify the area of resources that has to be developed. Results demonstrated that SLTs mainly use virtual resources (VR=106) in their present work and that material resources that can be used online is the less detailed and mentioned category (MRV=17). The third category of resources is the category of material resources (MR), those that are to be used mainly during face-to-face SLT therapy. This category is represented by a relatively low number of units, compared with VR (MR=61). Regarding the use of Padlet, we consider that this focused-group based research was enhanced with success, participants in the research, even if they were a numerous group, and the research was developed online, had the chance to express their points of view, without difficulties.

Keywords: Padlet, focus-group, SLT, resources, virtual resources, material resources