2017 RRTTLC – Martie, Vol III, Nr. 1

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

Doi: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.1 





Abordarea lateralității în tulburările de achiziție a scris-cititului

Approaching laterality in the context of reading and writing disorders

Mirela BUTTA

Both the genotypic aspects and the influences of education are included in the structure of laterality. That is why the examination of laterality must be realised differentially, taking into account two aspects: the first is the cortical one and represents the cerebral dominance, and the second is related to the exterior projection of the cerebral dominance. The students who do not present a well defined laterality have difficulties with movement coordination, with placing in space and time or with the appropriation of written or spoken language.
A well-defined programme of intervention has a positive impact on the correction and the optimisation of laterality disorder and on the development of the psychomotor skills, in the case of children with dyslexic-disgraphic deficiencies. The formative stage is very important, needing a longer period of time and a range of various exercises and educational games for its achievement.

Keywords: words: laterality disorder, psychomotor acquisitions, dyslexic-disgraphic deficiencies, therapeutic customized plan of intervention

Perturbări de deglutiție – deglutiția atipică. Terapia miofuncțională de recuperare

Deglutition disorders-atypical deglutition. Miofunctional therapy for rehabilitation

Elena L. BUZZO

Deglutition is a neuromuscular mechanism which passes through a physiological maturation when passing from childhood to adulthood. A deficient deglutition can be met when childish swallowing is still present even in adult stage. During an atypical deglutition the tongue makes a pressure on the palate and on the teeth or can slip through the teeth’s arcades. Miofunctional speech and language therapy is the best way to address the atypical deglutition process. This is a reeducation process, a process of reestablishing of the oral function through a series of progressive exercises which focuses on the correction of the tongue`s position and the automatization of the swallowing process. Applying in a consistent manner the miofunctional therapy, both in the speech therapy office and during daily life activities, using the necessary orthodontic devices specific in each situation, the results are positive, atypical deglutition being turned in a mature swallowing process.

Keywords: deglutition, miofunctional therapy, swallowing disorder, orthodontic devices, speech therapy


Analiză contrastivă a sunetelor limbii franceze şi engleze cu implicații educaționale în contextul dizabilității vizuale.Repere psiholingvistice

Contrastive analysis of French and English speech sounds with educational implications in the context of visual disability. Psycholinguistic directions

Daniela BARTHA

In this paper we will try to make a comparative analysis concerning the sound systems of French and English language. In the first section, a short definition of language as means of communication is given and the development of foreign languages is approached. The next two sections treat some aspects of teaching foreign languages to visually impaired children, and difficulties children may have during learning. In the fourth section the main problem of the article, namely the comparative analysis between French and English sounds is brought into light with educational implications, respectively in teaching foreign languages. The aim of the last section is that of giving some conclusions about the study.

Keywords: language, communication, foreign languages, visual impairment, representation, attention, memoir, thinking, sounds, vowels, consonants.

Prevenirea apariției dificultăților de învățare, prin valorificarea metodelor multisenzoriale, a programului de procesare „VAKT” (V vizuală, A auditivă, K kinestezică, T tactilă)

Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods, the processing program `VAKT” (V-visual, A-auditory, K-kinestetic, T-tactile)


Despite the fact that the most of the main stream pupils are consistently progressing in building up their reading and writing skills, it is known that not all of them follow the same pattern. The main category of difficulties diagnosed in the main stream school involves learning difficulties (dyslexia and dysgraphia).
Those pupils experiencing initial difficulties in reading and writing could go on and experience difficulties in other areas of school curriculum , if not addressed.These could lead in turn to behavioural problems (coping and avoiding mechanisms: school truancy, refusal to engage in any academic activities, telling lies , etc).
Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the support is provided from the early stage (in the reception class and in the first year) to prevent them developing into bigger problems.
This article, describes the VAKT Processing Programme ( V-visual, A-auditiv, K-kinesthetic, T-tactile) developed in an experimental process , emphasising the importance of using multisensory stimuls in prevention of learning difficulties (dislexic and disgraphic problems) as part of the main learning process (in first classes ) which has proved to be extremely efficent in the experimental group.

Keywords: learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, multisensory learning, early stage, prevention

ERASMUS+ BAGMIVI – Bridging the Gap Between Museums and Individuals With Visual Impairments

ERASMUS+ BAGMIVI – Bridging the Gap Between Museums and Individuals With Visual Impairments


Detalii despre proiectul BAGMIVI pot fi consultate accesând site-ul proiectului http://www.bagmivi.eu/

Dezvoltarea competenţelor de comunicare la copiii cu dizabilităţi auditive din perspectiva sistemului verbotonal

Developing the communication competences of the children with hearing disabilities by using the verbotonal system

Lăcrămioara URSACHE

The verbotonal system was created in the 50s in Zagreb, Croatia, by academician Petar Guberina. This system expresses a scientific approach to listening, speech and language. Verbotonal theory was the first one to discover and emphasize the importance of human body in transmitting speech to deaf persons.
The verbotonal applications are used by the specialists in the complex rehabilitation of hearing and speech of persons who were unable to develop good speaking abilities. The application of the verbotonal theory in the context of hearing and speech pathologies is named the verbotonal method.
To achieve an optimal correction in the optimal frequency is necessary to obtain the optimal values for an optimal language

Keywords: verbotonal system, verbotonal method, verbotonal rehabilitation, optimal frequences, optimal correction, optimal language

Aspecte particulare ale evaluării logopedice la elevii cu tulburări de învăţare

Particular aspects of the speech and language therapy assessment in learning disabilities context

Cristina VANCEA

Phonological processing difficulties, reading and writing, as those encountered in calculation or in reading and writing tasks, should not be considered normal and transient, often representing pedagogical externalization of instrumental disorders. Early detection of these symptoms can be achieved by proper methods and individual evaluation tests. When those symptoms are not taken into account at the appropriate time, further improvements are needed exercises to be undertaken throughout the acquirement of a correct pronunciation, writing, reading and calculation. Also, it would be more difficult the further work to correct these learning disabilities

Keywords: instrumental disorders, phonological disorders, screening, speech and language therapy, learning disabilities

Particularități ale limbajului la elevii cu ADHD

Language features in children with ADHD


This article presents aspects of cognitive functioning in children with ADHD and how the cognitive deficits influence the language skills. The symptoms of this affection have a negative influence on the process of acquiring and developing of language abilities. The hiperactivity, the lack of attention, the weak impulse control, the meager capacity to inhibit the prepotent answers, the weak organizing skills, the time and effort management problems trigger, in time, disturbances in higher language functions. These disturbances signify a weak capacity of configuration in the field of perception, of organization and orientation in space and time, difficulties of phonological processing, of working with symbols and in categorial processing of concepts, poor analysis and synthesis abilities, deficits of working memory. All these difficulties that are specific for a student with ADHD interact and lead to associated learning disabilities, including difficulties in leaning the written language. An intervention for this type of difficulties will not be efficient without comprising the main aspects that are deficient in the field of cognitive functioning.

Keywords: words: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cognitive deficits, speech language impairments, reading and writing disorders, learning disabilities.


Cititul cu voce tare-modalitate de dezvoltarea abilităţilor lexicale

Aloud Reading –technique for developing lexical abilities

Carolina BODEA-HAŢEGAN, Dorina TALAŞ, Raluca TRIFU

This paper brings into the light the reading aloud as strategy to improve linguistic competences. In the fist part of the article, after a short introduction, reading aloud is analyzed from a controversial point of view, analyzing the specialized literature which underlines the positive impact of reading aloud on developing linguistic abilities, but also the negative impact. In the second part reading aloud is analyzed through the features it involves, bot at the voce parameters and in the kinesthetic sector (gestures which the reader uses in order to facilitate the access of the listener to the meaning of the text). The fallowing section of the article underline on the implication that reading aloud can have on increasing the active and passive vocabulary, but also on shaping the behavior of the children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). In the last part of the article authors describe a practical experience where reading aloud was used as both a speech therapy strategy and as a strategy to activate children reading comprehension abilities during the World Read Aloud Day (an International event that celebrated Reading Aloud).

Keywords:reading aloud, voice, World Read Aloud Day, vocabulary, reading comprehension

Relaţia de cauzalitate reciprocă între conştiinţa fonologică, procesarea fonologică şi învăţarea citirii şi scrierii

Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA

The present study (The reciprocal causality relation marking phonological awareness, phonological processing and the acquisition of reading and writing skills) offers an analysis of the psychological and pedagogical premises in acquiring reading and writing skills on the basis of the results of research studies pertaining to the following: the role of phonological awareness and that of phonological processing in acquiring lexical competence; the hypothesis that there is a reciprocal causality relation between phonological awareness and learning writing skills; dysfunctions in the treatment of linguistic data; the impact that lexical age might have on dyslexic versus regular readers; effective pedagogical actions for learning reading skills. To illustrate the role played by phonological awareness and by phonological processing in fostering the pre-acquisition of the linguistic skills necessary for reading and writing, the case study of a pre-school child and the results of the NEPSY investigation are presented.

Keywords: phonological awareness, phonological processing, linguistic competence, lexical competence, dyslexia, reading and writing.