2016 RRTTLC – Martie, Vol II, Nr. 1.

Revista Română de Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj și de Comunicare

Volum integral

Doi: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1


Auz natural înseamnă auz binaural



Dispraxia. Studiu privind problematica dispraxiei în ţara noastră

Dyspraxia. Pilot study regarding dyspraxia approach in our country


This article describes the results obtained in a pilot study addressing dyspraxia in the speech and language field in Romania. The main objectives of this study is to establish if dyspraxia is a frequent diagnosis in speech and language therapy, to underline if this diagnosis is just a specifier in a wider range of disorders or disabilities and to underline if there is a need to address this diagnosis during the initial training and continuous professional development for Romanian speech and language therapists. Results proved that there are no differences in approaching this diagnosis in our country comparing with data from abroad, except regarding the need for speech and language specialists initial training and continuous professional development in this specific area.

Keywords: speech and language therapy, motor planning, developmental dysprexia,
dyspraxia of speech, apraxia in adults and in children


Strategii terapeutice psiho – comportamentale în bâlbâială la vârsta școlară

Psycho-behavioral strategies in approaching stuttering in school age children

Mirela BUTTA

This article approaches stuttering from a psycho-behavioral perspective, both during the assessment stage and during the therapy stage. This approach is developed within a case study, is underlined the fact that stuttering needs a complex therapeutic approach. This complex approach can be delivered by the speech and language therapists as part of an intervention team, besides the psychologist, the psychotherapists and of course the parents and the child. 

Keywords: stuttering, cognitive/behavioral approach, rythm, verbal behavior, school age.



Modalităţi de prevenire a tulburărilor de citire şi scriere la copiii nevăzători

Prevention means for reading and writing disorders addressing visual impaired children

Daniela BARTHA

We all know that blind children may have difficulties in reading and writing in Braille. For this reason, we think that a presentation of ways in which these difficulties could be prevented may be necessary. Thus, in this article, we will try to present some modalities in which parents and teachers may adapt some strategies of learning to read and write in Braille, starting from the pre-reading stage. We will also present some strategies in which tactile books may be adapted, because reading through images is an important basic skills for all children, even with or without disabilities.

Keywords: reading disorders, visual impairments, Braille, pre-reading stage, educational strategies for improving reading abilities

Terapia logopedică în tulburările de deglutiție la pacientul cu accident vascular cerebral (AVC)

Speech and language therapy for dysphagia in the context of the cerebro-vascular accidents

Elena Lăcrămioara BUZZO (PRIHOI)


In the first part of this article the author presents the main implications of cerebrovascular accidents on speech. These complex implications need to be approached during the speech and language therapy in a multidimensional way. But besides the classical the therapeutic approach, the author underlines the fact that eating disorders are also an important aspect to be considered during the therapy. Thus, the second part of the article presents a speech and language approach in a case of cerebrovascular accident where the focus is on deglutition and eating, swallowing and drinking disorders.

Keywords: eating disorders, swallowing disorders, cerebrovascular accidents, speech and language therapy, drinking disorders, deglutition

Direcții de intervenție timpurie în contextul dezvoltării abilităților de comunicare în sindromul Down

Early intervention strategies for developing communication abilities in Down syndrome

Mihaela Maria TELCEAN, Anamaria-Rada BENE, Cristina SANDU

This paper focuses on the importance of early intervention as far as language development for children with Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome have a delay in the development of communication abilities because of the sensory, perceptual, physical and cognitive issues they face and which affect their development path.
The anatomical and physiologic characteristics frequently met among children with Down syndrome are represented by differences of the muscles and facial structure, which lead to language disorders such as: hypotonia, poor lips, tongue and oral cavity coordination. The physical features of these children (tongue protusion, predominantly oral breathing, irregular dentition, ogival palate) highlight difficulties for small and precise movements of the mouth which limits tongue movements when speaking. The problems mentioned above affect the children’s intelligibility of speech for with Down syndrome in the following areas: articulation, rhythm and fluency, resonance, phonation.
This paper proposes an approach which focuses on the development of the suprasegmental aspects of speech, the development of immediate imitation abilities, the development of focused attention, establishing eye contact, the development of phonoarticulation using orofacial stimulation (the Morales technique and using special instruments – Sensory Therapy instruments, Z-vibe – an instrument with vibrations).

Keywords: speech and language development, early intervention, Down syndrome, orofacial stimulation, motor development

Particularităţile citirii la elevii cu bâlbâială

Reading features in stuttering context


The purpose of this article is to underline the main features of reading a case study of the children diagnosed with stuttering. Thus, in this article is presented a case study, which contains an assessment process and intervention approach focused on reading fluency in the context of stuttering. Results demonstrated that an adequate assessment and intervention can ensure functional development in reading fluency even in stuttering cases.

Key words: stuttering, reading fluency, case study, assessment, intervention, functional development.

Valenţe persuasiv-comunicaţionale şi catartice ale vocii în psihoterapie, euritmie şi în eufonia vocală

Persuasive-communicational and cathartic features of voice in psychotherapy, eurithmy and vocal euphony

Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA

Persuasive – communicational and cathartic valences of the voice in psychotherapy and in vocal euphony.
This study focuses on five theoretical, methodological and practical problems from the area of
melotherapeutic mediation psychotherapies: the impact of the emotional state upon the voice; the
therapeutic persuasive-communicational valences of the voice; the emotional-cathartic valences of the voice in melotherapy; the eurythmics – a contemporary model of connection between movement, rhythm and sound; the therapeutic valences of vocal euphony. The insistence is on the efficiency of these approaches in the case of persons in difficulty due to illness or disability.

Keywords: melotherapy, cognitive musical therapies, eurythmics, vocal-musical therapy,  vocal euphony, emotional valences, cathartic valences.

Valenţe corectiv compensatorii ale metodei spectografice

Therapeutic valences for spectrographic method

Alina BOCA

The speech intelligibility degree of the hearing impaired children speech varies widely, from completely incomprehensible to almost functional. Although a number of studies have documented typical speech disorders of the hearing impaired children compared with hearing children.
Most of these studies have been limited to the analysis of perceptual errors of type phonetic and phonological. In recent years of the digital technology has greatly increased the efficiency of speech acoustics study, which may provide more precise details than perceptual analysis regarding timing and frequency distribution of acoustic energy into individual segments of speech

Keywords: speech intelligibility, spectogram, voice onset time, hearing impairments

Impactul mediului acustic asupra comunicării în sala de clasă

The impact of acoustic environment on communication in classroom setting


Past investigations demonstrated that the acoustical environment is a critical factor in communication,
regardless whether it refers to adults or children, normally developed or with different types of disabilities.
This study examines several acoustical microbarriers, such as: noise, reverberation and speaker-listener distance, and the impact of these variables on the speech perception abilities of both children with hearing loss and children with normal hearing.
From a practical standpoint, we discussed several methods for eliminating some of these communication barriers, such as improving the acoustical environment in the classroom and managing student’s behavior.
The study also presents some of the effects of the acoustical environment on the children’s academic achievement, as well as behavior when speech perception is compromised, ending with suggestions on using smart technology applications for monitoring the noise level hence the student’s behavior in the classroom.

Keywords: Semantic network, hearing impairment, vocabulary

Aspecte ale inteligibilităţii vorbirii la copiii cu dizabilități auditive

Speech intelligibility in the context of hearing impairments

Liana Angela (ROȘCA) MUŞUŢAN

Speech intelligibility of people with hearing disability, who are using a conventional or digital hearing aid or a cochlear implant, is an essential factor that interferes in the communication process with people with normal hearing. Without being understood oral language cannot be an efficient and safe way in the communication process, and in this case, the language cannot exercise its primary function of communication.
The current study aims to highlight the degree of development of speech intelligibility for students with hearing disability who are using digital hearing aids and those with cochlear implants. Recordings were made with students reading lists of words and sentences, witch played to three inexperienced listeners that had to write down (transcription) the words correctly perceived from the students reading. To establish the speech intelligibility, has been applied The Speech Intelligibility Rating Scale (SIR).
The main reason for the selection of this topic is to show that speech intelligibility of children with digital hearing aids and cochlear implant is influenced by many factors that have an impact on oral language development. Among them there are: the type of hearing aid used, the degree of hearing loss, the communication mode used, the beginning of intervention for recovery. Speech intelligibility of students with hearing disability can be improved by applying appropriate strategies and individualized recovery.

Keywords: hearing impairment, speech intelligibility, cochlear implant, hearing aids, speech and language, auditory-verbal therapy.

Programe de intervenție pentru elevii cu risc de discalculie

Intervention programs for children with dyscalculia risk

Fotinica GLIGA

This article presents some computer assisted / unassisted models of intervention and av prototype computer program designed for training of children with severe dyscalculia. The
case study reveals the need for complex long-term intervention for these pupils.

Keywords: severe dyscalculia, adapted intervention, Approximate Number System

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