Specificul activităților de terapia limbajului și a comunicării în contextul dizabilității multiple: strategii și resurse personalizate

Specificul activităților de terapia limbajului și a comunicării în contextul dizabilității multiple: strategii și resurse personalizate

The SLT specificity in multiple disabilities: personalized strategies and resources


Students with multiple disabilities may present many challenges regarding their development in areas such as cognition, language and communication, social interaction, emotional abilities, literacy, or behaviour. The speech and language therapist is a member of the multidisciplinary team which assesses, plans, and implements specific intervention programs for children with multiple disabilities. Most of these children are strongly dependent on their parents, teachers, or therapists for every activity they carry out through the day. Depending on their communication behaviour or patterns with a certain partner, children with multiple disabilities require individualized and/or personalized programmes of communication which may include specific strategies. This paper will present the differences between individualised and personalized approaches and will propose a reflective-based tool for assessment and intervention centred on developing communication abilities for children with multiple disabilities.

Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches


Published on line: 03/31/2022

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