Erori de producere a cuvintelor în context afazic

Erori de producere a cuvintelor în context afazic

Patterns and errors of word production in aphasic contexts


This article is part of the paper „Patterns and errors of word production in aphasic contexts”.
To begin with, generalities about aphasia and a cognitive neuropsychology model of spoken word production are presented, which addresses four stages involved in word retrieval: semantic system, phonological output lexicon, phonological set, and articulatory programming, and finally speech.
Also, as a theoretical aspect, the three types of word utterance errors are presented: the imaginability, frequency, and length effects. The theoretical aspects are then exemplified in a case study.
The aim of the research was to identify from a neurocognitive point of view in which domain the disorder is located, and which pattern of word production errors can be identified, in order to intervene specifically in language recovery, proposing an intervention plan.
Among the conclusions, it can be mentioned that although aphasic symptomatology is well known, the approach from the proposed perspective created specific opportunities for recovery.

Keywords: aphasia, pattern errors, aphasia intervention


Aphasia. (2023, 4 2). Preluat de pe National Institute on Deafness and Other Comunication Disorders:
Kreindler, A., & Fradis, A. (1970). Afazia. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania. Preluat de pe
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Scala de evaluare cuantificată orientativă a tulburărilor de limbaj. (2023, 5 23). Preluat de pe
What is aphasia? (2023, 4 2). Preluat de pe Association Internationale Aphasie:
Whitworth, A., Webster, J., & Howard, D. (2014). A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia. London and New York: Psychology press Taylor & Francis Group.
Acknowledgement. Lucrarea a fost elaborată în cadrul masteratului de Terapia Limbajului și Audiologie Educațională, Departamentul de Psihopedagogie specială, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, sub coordonarea Conf. Univ. Dr. Bodea-Hațegan Carolina.

Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

The relation between the linguistic developmental level and the resilience resources within the familial system in children with cochlear implants

Carmela Lavinia IRIMEȘ, Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU

The training of the ability to develop and use language represents a big challenge in the rehabilitation process of children with cochlear implants. Listening and the practice of hearing represents an important part of the process, while the steps in the process of language acquisition and development need to be carefully planned, in an individualized manner. The role of the parents is central in the speech therapy of young children with cochlear implants. Families experience a high degree of distress and burden, but many of them become stronger and more resilient following the process of rehabilitation of language. The current article discusses several important aspects in the rehabilitation process of young children with cochlear implants and emphasizes the role of the family involvement, as a resource for the child and the speech therapist. A single longitudinal case study is detailed, as a model of the speech therapy in the case of a child with hearing impairment, following cochlear implant. A model of collaborative approach with the family is presented and the intertwining of the child’s progress and family adjustment in the process is discussed.

Keywords: hearing impairment, cochlear implantation, speech therapy, family coping and resilience

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.04

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Tipuri de hipoacuzie (
Asociația persoanelor cu deficiențe de auz „darul sunetului” – darul sunetului
Auziți acum. Și pentru totdeauna. (
***human ear | Structure, Function, & Parts | Britannica

Afazia în contextul multilingv: Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Afazia în contextul multilingv: Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Aphasia in multilingual context-a psycholingusitic approach

Mălina ȘOGOR

To begin with, the first sign depicted on people with aphasia is a language disorder, acquired after a damage to the central nervous. The existing studies in this area explain the roots of aphasia throughout a medical and phonological perspective, while the psycholinguistic approach is considerably more narrowed.
Taking into consideration the increasing number of people who are speaking more than one language and who are at risk of developing a medical condition that can lead to aphasia and other associated communication deficiencies, it is critical for speech-language pathologists to assess the situation from different angles, particularly to incorporate medical, linguistic and psycholinguistic viewpoints.
The aim of this article is emphasizing the main approaches which are being addressed in explanation of language production and understanding how bilingual persons are affected by aphasia, whereas a complex and multilingual approach is crucial to be taken into consideration during the intervention.

Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches


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Specificul activităților de terapia limbajului și a comunicării în contextul dizabilității multiple: strategii și resurse personalizate

Specificul activităților de terapia limbajului și a comunicării în contextul dizabilității multiple: strategii și resurse personalizate

The SLT specificity in multiple disabilities: personalized strategies and resources


Students with multiple disabilities may present many challenges regarding their development in areas such as cognition, language and communication, social interaction, emotional abilities, literacy, or behaviour. The speech and language therapist is a member of the multidisciplinary team which assesses, plans, and implements specific intervention programs for children with multiple disabilities. Most of these children are strongly dependent on their parents, teachers, or therapists for every activity they carry out through the day. Depending on their communication behaviour or patterns with a certain partner, children with multiple disabilities require individualized and/or personalized programmes of communication which may include specific strategies. This paper will present the differences between individualised and personalized approaches and will propose a reflective-based tool for assessment and intervention centred on developing communication abilities for children with multiple disabilities.

Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches


Published on line: 03/31/2022

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Specificul dezvoltării abilităților de comunicare pragmatică în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Specificul dezvoltării abilităților de comunicare pragmatică în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

The specific of the development of pragmatic communication skills in the context of intellectual disability


This article presents a case study regarding Down syndrome and the difficulties that appear due to pragmatic communication disorder in the day to day life of persons with Down syndrome. Having difficulties in the area of pragmatic communication suggests the lack of functional communication, with impact on an individuals social life, human interractions, establishing and maintaining significant relationships, along with having difficulties in understanding speech, waiting for one`s turn, listening, starting, maintaining or ending a conversation.
Through specific speech therapy interventions, we can see in this case study how pragmatic communication can be trained by focusing on communication skills, articulation and pronuntiation exercises, with significant impact on the individuals self-esteem issues and the diminuation of dezadaptative behaviours characteristic to Down Syndrom

Keywords: pragmatic communication disorder, Down syndrome, intellectual disability, speech and language therapy, case study

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.05

Published on line: 31/10/2018

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Particularități ale limbajului oral la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Particularități ale limbajului oral la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Particularities of oral language in students with intellectual disabilities

Maria POP

This article studies the particularities of spoken language in students with intellectual disabilities and the importance of a complex language assessment in order to structure a personalized intervention program for speech and language therapy. Hereby language is being evaluated in all its aspects: phonetic, phonological, morphological, semantic and syntactic.
Personalized intervention programs will be structured depending on the results obtained at the tests, the individual particularities of the children and the type and severity of intellectual disability. The personalized intervention program is the basis of speech and language therapy

Keywords: pragmatic communication disorder, Down syndrome, intellectual disability, speech and language therapy, case study

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.06

Published on line: 31/10/2018

Bodea Hațegan, C. (2016). Logopedia. Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise, București: Editura Trei.

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Resursă web:

Strategii de dezvoltare a comprehensiunii verbale la copiii cu dizabilitate intelectuală

Strategii de dezvoltare a comprehensiunii verbale la copiii cu dizabilitate intelectuală

Verbal comprehension development strategies for children with intellectual disabilities


This article studies the verbal comprehension on children with intellectual disability and the ways speech therapy can influence its development, as well as verbal memory and semantic lexical abilities.
A well-defined intervention program speech and language therapy, adapted to the particularities of the child with intellectual disability focused on clear and well-structured objectives, can have quicker results and can be obtained in a much more enjoyable way for children.

Keywords: communication, intellectual disability, verbal comprehension, lexical representations, speech and language therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.12

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Particular aspects of the speech and language therapy assessment

Aspecte particulare ale evaluării logopedice la elevii cu tulburări de învăţare

Particular aspects of the speech and language therapy assessment in learning disabilities context

Cristina VANCEA

Phonological processing difficulties, reading and writing, as those encountered in calculation or in reading and writing tasks, should not be considered normal and transient, often representing pedagogical externalization of instrumental disorders. Early detection of these symptoms can be achieved by proper methods and individual evaluation tests. When those symptoms are not taken into account at the appropriate time, further improvements are needed exercises to be undertaken throughout the acquirement of a correct pronunciation, writing, reading and calculation. Also, it would be more difficult the further work to correct these learning disabilities

Keywords: instrumental disorders, phonological disorders, screening, speech and language therapy, learning disabilities


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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Speech and language therapy in open rhinolalia context

Terapia logopedică a rinolaliei deschise

Speech and language therapy in open rhinolalia context

Mirela BUTTA

The general purpose of speech and language therapy, concerning rhinolalia, is removing the nasality from speech by developing a functional breathing ability, differentiating between nasal and oral breathing through the correct use of the epiglottis-laryngeal mechanism of closing.
In the case of the functional open rhinolalia, it is recommended the speech and language therapy to ensure the development of a correct articulator basis.
The speech therapy exercises are aiming especially the mobility of the velum and the coordination of the phonoarticulatory organs (for the mobility of the velum there are recommended exercises of blowing into different objects because the air under pressure is acting as a good massage for the velum; exercises done by blocking one nostril and trying to breathe; exercises of frequent deglutition of slight quantities of liquids).
The next stage of the therapy will be based on differentiating between the oral and the nasal breathing, on increasing the respiratory volume and precision and on prolonging the time of breathing out in verbal production.
After gaining control over the phonoarticulatory organs and the velum, phonetic exercises need to be implemented. It is important to put a great emphasis on the special gymnastics of each organ and on exercises of oral conduction of the respiratory wave. The sound producing must be obtained by using games and play therapy background.

Keywords: open rhinolalia, voice dysfunction, speech and language therapy, nasality, hipernasality

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.07

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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