Impactul procesului coarticulator asupra inteligibilității vorbirii la elevii cu dizabilitate auditivă

Impactul procesului coarticulator asupra inteligibilității vorbirii la elevii cu dizabilitate auditivă

The impact of co-articulatory process on children`s with hearing imparments speech intelligibility

Maria-Emilia MARTIN

The aim of this paper was to illustrate the approach of speech and language asssessment developed within the Interschool Speech Therapy Centers in Romania (Centrele Logopedice Interșcolare), at the beginning of the school year, in a pandemic context. It presents the initial evaluation of students and preschoolers, but also the way in which the complex evaluation of children identified with speech and language disorders is developed, fallowing the legislation and specific methodology. The Speech and Language Evaluation Scale is a very useful tool at this stage and beyond. This helps to condense the relevant data about children, to formulate the speech therapy diagnosis and to outline the therapeutic approach. The developed model addresses both aspects of psychomotor development and aspects of pronunciation and articulation. It is designed mainly for primary school students, but can also be applied to preschoolers. The presented case study is intended to highlight the way this model can be used, at various stages, in a specific intervention strategy.

Keywords: hearing impairments, coarticulatory process, language assessment, teaching aid, intelligibility of speech

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.06
Published on line: 03/31/2022

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