Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare eficientă cu ajutorul robotului Ozobot Evo în contextul TSA

Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare eficientă cu ajutorul robotului Ozobot Evo în contextul TSA

The development of efficient communication abilities by using OZOBOT robot in ASD context

Dorina Anca TALAȘ

This paper presents the impact of robots in education and language therapy. The first part of the paper presents the results of research in which educational robots have been used in the instructional-educational process and some reference studies in which different robots have been tested in speech and language therapy. The second part of the paper presents the Ozobot Evo robot, the OzoBlockly app, the Evo by Ozobot app and the Ozobot Classroom platform. The last part of the paper presents the results of using the Ozobot Evo robot in therapy for a first grade student diagnosed with ASD (developing effective communication skills, increasing motivation, improving task solving time and problem solving) and some examples of activities that can be organized in language therapy sessions. The findings highlight the impact of using educational robots in achieving the proposed goals in therapy.

Keywords: robots, Ozobot Evo, language and communication, apps, ASD


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